NMRT Members, voting is for the NMRT Election is now open! Please take this opportunity to review the NMRT slate of candidates running for leadership positions starting in 2010-2011. By now, you should have received voting instructions from ALA via e-mail and after logging into the ALA Ballot you should see individual ballots for each of your member units. NMRT has five candidates running for leadership positions and though they are uncontested, there is also a place available to write in a candidate on the ballot.
Each candidate has submitted a biographical statement and short list of qualifications that is available by clicking a link on your online ballot. This biographical information is re-posted here on the NMRT blog for your review and comment. You are encouraged to leave questions for the candidates in the comments section and the candidates will be asked to respond. Completed ballots must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 23. Results will be announced on Friday, April 30. Thank you for your participation in the NMRT election!
Candidate: Linda C. Crook
Running For: Vice President/President-Elect
Current Job Title: Science Librarian, Washington State University Libraries, 2006-present
Statement: “I am passionate about recruitment and retention of new librarians. As president of NMRT, I will continue the initiatives put in place by my predecessors, and extend them when possible. I am excited about the variety of ALA initiatives related to new and young librarians, but I want to bring them together under the umbrella of NMRT so we can ensure there is no duplication of effort or division of resources. I want to build a stronger relationship with NMRT and JMRT alumni to, among other things, improve the network of support in place to assist NMRT members as they leave the nest. I want to see more alumni and established ALA members at NMRT functions, extending professional networking across generations and interest areas. As librarianship continues to change in fundamental ways, we will need our new members, working together and with established members, to help change ALA, too.”
Candidate: Janel White
Running For: Secretary
Current Job Title: Broadcast Librarian, National Public Radio, 2006-present
Statement: “Being selected as an Emerging Leader this year was a great honor. In accepting that selection, I made a personal decision to give back to ALA & NMRT via a leadership position. As NMRT Secretary not only will I accurately capture decisions made by the board and guide the Archives & Handbook Committees through their charges, but also provide my own insight and experience over projects and decisions that the NMRT board reviews in the future.”
Candidate: Veronica Stevenson-Moudamane
Running For : Treasurer-Elect
Current Job Title : President & CEO, VLCS Consulting, LLC, 2007-present
Statement: “In light of our current economic climate, I want to do all that is possible to ensure that NMRT stays solvent and that lack of funding is not an issue in the organization’s ability to meet longstanding traditions, while embracing new opportunities moving forward. As the 2010-2011 Treasurer-Elect, I will follow the philosophy of servant leadership towards the improvement of the organization, through fiscal accountability and collaboration within the association.”
Candidate: Julie Kane
Running For: Networking Director
Current Job Title: Head of Technical Services, Sweet Briar College, 2007-present
Statement: “In my two years as Chair of the NMRT Booth Committee, my interaction with my Networking Director has been a lifeline and an invaluable resource. While my chairing background has provided me a depth of experience and a challenge that has expanded my involvement with ALA, nothing could have succeeded without the help and guidance of my ever-present and always-helpful Networking Director. I’d like to take the next step in my involvement with NMRT and return the favor to other chairs; to be as helpful as I can be and to guide others’ involvement with NMRT and ALA. I still have much to understand about the other committees’ activities within NMRT but I’m eager to learn. Within two short years, I have found NMRT to be an exciting and extremely valuable place to start an ALA career, and I would very much enjoy the chance to share that excitement.”
Candidate: Cory Lampert
Running For: Outreach Director
Current Job Title: Digitization Projects Librarian, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2006-present
Statement: “The New Members Roundtable within the American Library Association offers a unique forum for some of the freshest minds in librarianship to develop into leaders and innovators in our profession. As Outreach Director, I believe my experience facilitating groups and managing large scale projects will position me well to provide vision and direction for the integral role of promoting the NMRT message and engaging new librarians through outreach. I bring strong communication skills, enthusiasm, and dedication to the position and welcome this opportunity to serve NMRT in a new role.”
NMRT Nominating Committee:
Cory Lampert, Chair
Fiona Bradley
Elizabeth Downey
Patrick Tomlin
Tyler Williams