NMRT Conference Orientation for ALA 2023 – Friday June 23, 1:30pm

The New Members Round Table will be hosting its annual Conference Orientation on Friday, June 23 1:30-3:00pm in W187B at McCormick Place at the ALA 2023 Annual Conference. The orientation will include information about ALA and NMRT to orient new conference attendees, remarks from ALA and NMRT leadership, and a panel discussion about getting involved in ALA, conference tips, and information about Chicago from a local. Previous conference attendees are welcome to attend as well!

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Job Resources for Librarians and Information Professionals

By Tristan Draper, DeKalb Public Library

Looking for a new job, or a first job, in the library field can be daunting. The application and interview process can often seem like an endless cycle. For new library workers with fewer professional connections, finding a job can feel impossible, but there are resources that can help you find jobs and ace your interviews. This blog post is intended to highlight a few of the many library and information science career resources that can help you in your job search.  

Exploring and Planning Career Paths

Whether you’re new to the library and information sciences field or interested in a career change, the below resources can help you learn about the wide variety of library careers.

  • The ALA offers information about library careers including education and financial help as well as career pathways: link to ALA Career Information
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics offers information on a number of careers. The following link will direct you to the Library Occupation page, where you can find information on entry-level education requirements, wages, number of jobs, and job outlook in a variety of library related fields: link to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Blogs and social media can also be a good place to find information about working in libraries directly from library workers. These resources can give you a better idea of the day to day work that people do in different library careers. Some examples include the I Need a Library Job Facebook group and the LIS Career Options LinkedIn Group.

Job Boards

Now that you have an idea of what career pathways exist in the library science field, it’s time to start the job search! But where to look first? Below are a few of the many job boards you can look at to find library jobs.

  • The ALA has a job board that features a variety of library and information science job postings that can be filtered by location, job function, and job type. This is not an exhaustive list of available jobs, but it is a good place to start: link to ALA Job List.
  • I Need a Library Job is a popular job board for information professionals. Users can search by keyword or location to find available jobs: link to INALJ.
  • USAJobs lists federal government jobs, and they are often hiring librarians and/or information professionals for a variety of roles. Make sure to research the application process before submitting your application, however, as there are important guidelines for applying: link to USA Jobs.
  • Lib Gig is another job board that focuses on library and information science jobs. Jobs can be filtered by location, job function, and other factors: link to Lib Gig.
  • In addition to the above job boards that are more general in scope, make sure to look at specialized job boards as well. Professional societies often host their own job boards.
  • Colleges and Universities often offer job assistance to current students and alumni. They also often have career resource pages that are available online to the general public. These pages can be valuable resources themselves, or help you find other resources.
  • Don’t forget to check local library consortiums, library vendors, and state and local library associations for job postings. Thinking creatively about your skill set can open up a wide variety of job opportunities both within and outside of the library field.

Resume and Cover Letter Help

Good news, you’ve found a few jobs that you’re interested in applying for! All that’s left to do is fill out the application. Below are a few resources you can use to help make your resume/CV and cover letter stand out.

Interview Help

Your application was successful and you’ve landed an interview. Not sure how to prepare, what to wear, or what questions might be asked? The below resources can help you out!

Hopefully, with these resources you can feel more confident in your job search. Remember to think creatively about the skills you already have and don’t be afraid to reach out to your connections and network to ask for help. Best of luck in your career planning and job search!

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ALA Annual Games & Gaming Round Table Events

If you’re attending ALA Annual 2023, stop by the Games & Gaming Round Table booth in the Graphic Novels & Gaming Pavilion! Pick up some resources about gaming collections and programming, geek out with us about your favorite games and fandoms, play a game, or grab a sticker! You can find GameRT at Booth 1319. For more information about GameRT at ALA, email gamert@ala.org.

GameRT is also hosting some epic programs this year! Here is the GameRT schedule of events:

ALA Play
June 23, 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM (CT)

Location: Hilton Chicago, International North

The Games and Gaming Round Table (GameRT) is back at ALA with another incredible ALA Play session! Gamers of all stripes are invited to join us for this free event, enjoy an evening of awesome games, and meet up with other awesome people who aren’t afraid to let their geek flag fly. We will also be announcing the 2023 Game On! Grant recipient.

GameRT Board Meeting at ALA Annual
June 24, 1:00 PM – 02:00 PM (CT)

Location: Hyatt Regency McCormick, Huron

Meeting of the Games & Gaming Round Table Board. All GameRT members are welcome to attend board meetings. If you’re not a GameRT member and would like to learn more about GameRT, please join us at this ALA Annual Conference meeting. Meet the board members and committee teams, hear updates on GameRT initiatives, and ask questions. Agendas for board meetings are posted in the GameRT ALA Connect forum.

Gaming in School Libraries
June 24, 4:00 PM – 05:00 PM (CT)

Location: McCormick Place, W183b

Presenter: Carolyn Vibbert, NBCT (she/her/hers), School Librarian, Sudley Elementary

Learn more about gaming programs for school libraries.

GameRT President’s Program: Creating Role-Playing Games in the Library
June 25, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CT)

Location: McCormick Place, W193

Learn how to run a game jam and create a role-playing game at your library.

ALA Trivia Championship
June 25, 7:00 PM – 09:00 PM (CT)

Location: Hyatt Regency McCormick, Grant Park ABC

It’s well known that librarians are the best at trivia, but who is the best of the best? Join us at this national championship cosponsored by GameRT, RUSA, and NMRT and compete for the title of “Reference Champions of America” in this team-based trivia event.

In addition to conference attendance, event tickets are required for this event. Purchase via conference registration or event scheduler. And if you missed the signup during conference registration, we’d still love to have you – tickets can be bought onsite!

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ALA Annual Conference: NMRT Events & Customized Google Map

ALA Annual 2023 in Chicago is right around the corner and NMRT Committees have been busy putting together resources and events related to the conference. Whether this is your first ALA Annual or you have attended before, the resources and events listed below are meant to assist you in having the best conference experience that you can.

To help attendees find conference hotels, session locations, great restaurants, and attractions to visit while in Chicago, the Annual Conference Local Information Committee created a
customized Google Map. The map, which can be found here, is sure to be useful in planning
your time in Chicago.

Throughout the conference, NMRT’s Resume Review Service Committee will offer its popular
Resume Review Service in the placement center. Stay tuned for more information about how to
register for an appointment to have your resume looked at by individuals with hiring experience. The service attempts to match up reviewer and reviewee by library type to ensure you get feedback specific to the type of library you work in or are looking to work in.

The first NMRT event planned for the Annual Conference is the NMRT Field Trip on Thursday, June 22 from 1-4 p.m. The NMRT Field Trip this year will consist of grabbing lunch and going on a walking tour of downtown Chicago. This ticketed event is sold out, but we look forward to a fun afternoon of exploring and networking for those attending.

NMRT’s Conference Orientation, geared towards first time conference attendees, will take place on Friday, June 23 from 1:30-3 p.m. This session will include information about ALA and NMRT, followed by a panel discussion about getting involved in ALA, conference tips, and information about Chicago from a local.

NMRT’s President’s Program is on Saturday, June 24 from 1-2 p.m. Titled “Preserving the Past, Providing Access and Anticipating Future Needs,” the session will feature presentations by three librarians who are doing innovative work with preservation, access and user experience.

The Executive Board will hold its meeting on Sunday, June 25 at 8:30 a.m. Executive Board
meetings are open to everyone and I encourage those interested in learning more about how
governance works in ALA’s round tables to attend.

On Sunday night, join NMRT for a night of networking and fun at the Annual Social from 5-7
p.m. at Pinstripes (435 E Illinois Street). The Annual Social is a great opportunity to meet
current and former NMRT members. NMRT’s award winners will be honored at this event.
We hope to see you at one or more of NMRT’s events during the ALA Annual Conference in

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Five Simple Rules for Navigating a National Conference

By Mary Kamela, University at Buffalo

In March 2023, I attended my first national library conference: ACRL 2023 in Pittsburgh, PA. Although I was initially worried about the size of the conference and the number of programs, I found the experience to be very manageable, as well as fun and informative!

Here are some of my biggest tips for others embarking on their first large library conferences:

  • Be flexible – When a conference has its full program available online, it’s great to go in ahead of time and pre-select sessions that seem the most interesting to you. That being said, some of my best conference experiences have come from last-minute changes, whether I end up randomly selecting a different session or following an invite from a colleague to something out of my comfort zone.
  • Make connections early on – Of course, networking is valid at any point of a conference, but I found that, with a longer event like ACRL, socializing and networking in my earlier sessions really added to my experience. I was able to find friendly faces at later events or related sessions and build meaningful connections that will hopefully lead to future connections and collaborations.
  • Take a break – The David L. Convention Center in Pittsburgh is a beautiful building with plenty of indoor and outdoor space to relax. We were lucky enough to experience some early spring weather, so taking advantage of the roof deck with its views of the Allegheny River was a definite highlight. I also found secluded spaces inside to unwind with a book or my phone when needed. In addition to relaxing, also consider taking a snack break! ACRL offered excellent morning coffee and afternoon snacks, including ice cream bars! If you’re feeling restless, take a stroll around the exhibit area and meet some of the vendors.

View of the Allegheny River from an observation deck at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center

  • Don’t fall victim to FOMO – There’s no possible way to do everything you want to at ACRL or a similar conference, so go in with the mindset that you may not be able to do everything you plan to! After a long day of conferencing, an evening event might feel like simply too much to take on, or a planned session may get replaced with a long lunch with a colleague. It’s okay! You can always catch up with online materials or reach out to presenters if you’d like more information.
  • Take time to explore – If you’re at an in-person conference, make sure you’re taking time to venture out into the host city. In Pittsburgh, I visited the Heinz History Center, which featured an excellent Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood exhibit featuring sets and puppets from the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. I also enjoyed some Pittsburgh cuisine—lots of sandwiches with French fries, pepperoni rolls, and, of course, Heinz ketchup! If you’re attending a virtual or hybrid conference, consider taking advantage of virtual connection options. At ACRL, I attended an online team trivia contest that was a fun way to connect with virtual and in-person attendees alike.
An exhibit about the history of Heinz Products at the Heinz History Center
King Friday XIII’s castle on display at the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood exhibit

We’d love to hear about your conference experiences. Let us know in the comments if you have any tips or anecdotes to share with the NMRT community. Enjoy your upcoming summer conference season!

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Professional Development: Beyond the Conference

By Laura Birkenhauer

When thinking about professional development, we most likely think of attending webinars, workshops, classes, and conferences, or reading trade and professional publications. But the options for professional learning extend far beyond these choices.

The NMRT Online Discussion Forum Committee asked NMRT members to share how they’re engaging in professional development, with a focus on unconventional approaches (Birkenhauer, 2023). Members shared virtual, internal and DIY options — both formal and informal — for growing as a professional.

Virtual Options

While a select number of opportunities for wider audiences have historically included virtual attendance options — for example, the ACRL ULS Academic Outreach Committee’s online roundtable discussions — more and more professional development offerings have been made available in hybrid and online formats in recent years. While online professional development options are hardly novel post-2020, NMRT members shared some intriguing possibilities you’ll want to consider for yourself.


NMRT member Clarissa Ihssen detailed their experience with the Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians and the flexibility afforded due to the fact it took place virtually. “I was able to have a couple days for professional development because they took place over the summer and were virtual, so my boss had no problem giving me that time. If you’re a science librarian (or looking at becoming a science librarian) I highly recommend trying to attend one!” (Ihssen, 2023).


Online options can also make casual professional conversations accommodating and budget-friendly. “I have really enjoyed the shift to virtual for some PD activities. It grants so much flexibility. I was recently invited to join a bi-monthly, informal, virtual discussion with other Student Success Librarians in the state of Ohio. What a terrific chance to network and learn from others – without having to pay anything for gas money” (Birkenhauer, 2023).

Internal Opportunities

Internal opportunities will vary by institution. May these suggestions inspire you to suggest, expand or lead something brand new at your organization.


As a method for encouraging professional development, libraries can maintain an online guide dedicated to professional development. “The Professional Development LibGuide for my organization recently began to list memberships for many of our librarians and staff in order to facilitate questions […] For example, you may see in the LibGuide list that a fellow librarian is a member of an ALA roundtable on a topic you’re interested in. You can then reach out and get more information directly from that individual” (Birkenhauer, 2023).


“Coffee hour” conversations on subjects of interest may be a draw to those looking to learn and connect with colleagues. These may look like a casual discussion over a caffeinated beverage, a presentation with slides, a hands-on workshop… or something else altogether!

DIY Professional Development

Another outside the box approach: do-it-yourself (DIY) professional development. This self-led strategy puts you in charge of your professional learning.


NMRT member Bithiah Brown engages in proactive cross-training. After first requesting permission from their manager, Brown shares “I have started to reach out to other areas in my department to request anything to enhance my skills. An example would be our social media department[.] I wanted hands-on experience in creating videos or reels. I was allowed to create a video with [the] Tiktok app and researched how to improve it. They liked it and shared it on our official account” (2023).


Social media is another avenue to explore for self-guided professional development. For example, an ALSC blog post by Chelsey Roos details the learning that can happen on TikTok (2023). Instagram is another platform that NMRT members may think of as a primarily personal tool, but accounts like @lifeoflibrarians share tools, techniques, experiences and insight from librarians in all areas of the field.


Birkenhauer, Laura. (2023, March 8). Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development. Message posted to https://connect.ala.org/nmrt/communities/community-home/

Brown, Bithiah. (2023, March 4). Re: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development. Message posted to https://connect.ala.org/nmrt/communities/community-home/

Ihssen, Clarissa. (2023, March 8). Re: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development. Message posted to https://connect.ala.org/nmrt/communities/community-home/

Roos, C. (2023, February 16). I Learned It on TikTok: Professional Development from an Unlikely Source. ALSC Blog. https://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/2023/02/i-learned-it-on-tiktok-professional-development-from-an-unlikely-source/

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NMRT Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award

The NMRT Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award fosters active involvement in ALA through various special events at the Annual Conference. The Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award is presented to two NMRT members each year. The award provides professional development and networking opportunities to NMRT members by providing a ticket to attend the event of their choice at the ALA Annual Conference.

To apply, please fill out the application at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKpO1aMBb_pM7VMvLhv2-bZHHUw8mrt35e8wSoTWs6vWPfmA/viewform. A list of ticketed events at ALA Annual 2023 can be found here: https://2023.alaannual.org/ticketed-events.

Applications are due by Friday, April 21, 2023. Winners will be notified the week of May 1, 2023. Questions can be directed to NMRT President Annice Sevett at asevett@selco.info.

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NMRT Communications Committee – April Blog Post

by Caroline Akervik

The ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition is taking place from June 22-27, 2023, at McCormick Place Chicago in Chicago, IL. Per the conference FAQs, “Librarians, authors, publishers, business professionals, educators and students—anyone who is passionate about books, libraries, and eager to learn and shape the future of the industry.”

Okay, well, I qualify. I am currently a library media coordinator for a public school district in western Wisconsin and I have worked in or supported school libraries for going on sixteen years. I have never attended an ALA conference. As I completed my registration for this conference, I felt more than a little overwhelmed.

I have spent some time exploring the conference pages. I had a total fan girl moment when I read that Rick Riordan and Brian Pinkney will be speaking at the conference. Cool beans! I continued to explore the conference pages and then decided to put a feeler out to the real experts on My Connect. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of the library people who responded. (One truism of library folk is that they tend to be exceedingly generous with knowledge.) Annice Sevett, Library Director of the Albert Lea Public Library, suggested the following:

“New Members Round Table has quite a few services that are extremely valuable for first-time conference attendees. First, I highly recommend attending the Conference Orientation session that will happen on Friday, June 23 at 1:30 p.m. The event features a panel discussion that talks about tips and tricks for getting the most out of the conference in addition to having a local recommend must see things in Chicago. It’s also a great opportunity to network with other first-time conference attendees and ask questions.

The second thing we offer is an ALA Annual Conference Mentoring Program, where first time attendees are matched with seasoned conference goers. This opportunity provides a chance to get all your questions answered from someone and hopefully an opportunity to meet up with them in person at the conference. I have been a mentor a few times for that program and met with individuals I was matched up with on Zoom beforehand to answer whatever questions they had and provide tips that I have for getting the most out of your conference experience. This program will open for applicants closer to the conference.”

Next, I heard from Kacy Helwick, the Youth Collection Development library at New Orleans Public Library. She shared these fabulous suggestions for attendees:

“There’s a lot that happens on Friday, so I usually like to book my flight to arrive on Thursday, and I’ll leave late on Tuesday afternoon. The opening reception of the exhibit hall on Friday night is always fun, especially if you’re looking for free stuff. There’s usually like this advertising/coupon book that you get when you pick up your conference badge and it tells you which booth is giving out giveaway items and when to get them. I actually try not to take too much stuff home when I attend, but I’ve still gotten t-shirts, scarves, mugs, pins, pens, notepads, wine and delicious frozen beverages (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and of course books and tote bags. You can also decide if you want to be a person with a few or a lot of ribbons on your conference badge and get those at the ribbon bar when you pick up your badge and in the exhibit hall, especially at the comics publishers’ booths (I included a picture of my last 2 badges as examples). I think they make for a good conversation starter when you meet new people. 

If there are any ALA division and roundtables you belong to or are interested in joining, you should keep an eye out if they are doing any events. I’m not sure what will be happening this year, but I’m a member of ALSC and there’s often a membership networking event, last year it was a meet up at the Planet Word Museum and a really great time. GNCRT usually hosts a Friday Forum, a free pre-conference on Friday late morning/early afternoon that is a highlight of my ALA every time I attend, and they’ll also be doing a ticketed event: the Magical Comics Tea. I’m not a member of the GAMERT, but they usually host an ALA Play evening on Friday night after the opening reception and it’s a great opportunity to try out games for library programs. Rainbow RT is having a gala on Sunday night to celebrate their 50th anniversary, free for members and $25 for guests of members. 

If you have any existing relationships with any vendors, like if you buy books from Follett or Baker & Taylor or have Sora from Overdrive for your school district, reach out to your sales reps to let them know you’ll be attending the conference and that it’s your first time. You can set up meetings to talk in person with people, or just get on their email lists to find out if they’re doing any special events (like having authors sign books in their booths or if they’re hosting a lunch you can be invited to). 

This is already very long, but lastly, conference sessions can be spread out across the convention center and nearby hotels. Pay attention to maps and how far apart everything is when you’re making your schedule. There will probably be so many relevant sessions for you to attend, but I would make sure I had at least 20-30 minutes in between events. I was late to so many sessions my first year because I didn’t realize how far an exhibit hall stage was from a program in a different area of the convention center. Also it’s good to keep your schedule a little open or flexible so you have the opportunity to discover a session you hadn’t noticed or have an unexpected conversation you don’t need to rush away from.”

Many thanks to the librarians who so generously shared their suggestions. Their words and the sense of library camaraderie those words evoked in me have contributed to my anticipatory excitement. I also have a better understanding of my preconference homework. I will check out the offerings of the divisions and round tables. I plan to work out logistics upon arrival. Most importantly, I look forward to seeing all you library folk who plan to attend ALA this year!

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NMRT Nominating Committee: Candidate Interviews for 2023 Ballot

Peter Rolla, candidate for vice-president/president-elect:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

My current experience chairing one of the NMRT committees has shown me that the round table does a lot of great work but that the Covid pandemic and its aftereffects significantly interrupted these services. A big priority of mine, then, will be to work with the board and the committee chairs to identify any committees or services that are still struggling and to get them back to pre-pandemic levels of service.

On a related note, ALA has been changing, even before the pandemic and shutdowns, but those unfortunate events have changed even more the ways that many of us, especially newer members of the library profession, interact with ALA. For example, many of us are still reluctant to travel and attend large events in person. Another goal of mine, then, will be to explore ways in which NMRT can meet, serve, and work with the new members of ALA in the ways that most benefit them and are most convenient and comfortable for them.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

As a department head, one of the most rewarding aspects of my job is working with newer professionals. We have recently hired two paraprofessionals in my department, one currently attending library school and the other a recent graduate, and I have really enjoyed being adjacent to their entry into the profession. I am probably overly fond of sharing with them stories from my career and what I hope are insights I have learned along the way, and I love to see them gaining knowledge and learning new skills. They of course teach me a lot as well, since they bring new ideas from the changing profession into our library.

As a department head I am also proud of the ways in which I have been able to work with other managers and the library administration to make our workplace better for staff members. I have been a vocal advocate for continuing to have hybrid in-person and remote schedules coming out of the pandemic, and for using now common technologies like Zoom and Teams to allow greater participation in meetings and events. I have also worked with our administration to standardize our hiring practices for classified staff in ways that I hope reduce the possibility of bias.

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

I have successfully chaired many committees, subcommittees, and working groups throughout my career and I would bring that experience to my role on the NMRT board. As a group leader I have the skills to facilitate discussion and create a space for different viewpoints to be heard; for guiding the group to making decisions; and for managing tasks and holding members accountable. I would bring all of these skills to my role on the NMRT board.

In a more specific area that is relevant to NMRT’s work, I am very interested in the job search and hiring process, and I have extensive experience on both sides. I have worked at several libraries, and so have gone through a job search several times. On the hiring side I have hired many classified staff members and have served on several librarian search committees. I am passionate and knowledgeable about the hiring process, and I know that it is an important topic for many new professionals who are drawn to the NMRT, so I also feel I could use my skills and knowledge in this area to help members have more success and be more satisfied with their job searches.

(From the NMRT Membership Page) The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

As I said above, I do have the unfortunate tendency to want to slip into the role of wise elder and pontificate to my younger colleagues about the profession, but I know that doing so is often unhelpful and shuts down other possible conversations. I also realize that the NMRT is for the younger and newer professionals and that my role will essentially be as a steward to keep the round table and what it represents thriving so that the newer professionals can take it over when they are ready. To fulfill this role as a steward, and to support the diverse members of the NMRT and their needs, I will always strive to allow spaces for conversations to be had and for different viewpoints to be aired, and then of course to always listen to and engage with the ideas brought forth.

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all?

This is difficult for me to answer because I have not faced the same barriers that others have faced and so I do not always know what would make the round table unwelcoming or less inclusive. Again, I think my task here would be to provide a space for all potential members to express their opinions, to seriously engage with what they say, and to pull from their ideas the concrete actions that the round table could take to reduce barriers for everyone.

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

I have only recently become associated with the NMRT and so do not yet have an idea of what specific changes need to be made. I believe I am running for a multi-year position, so my main goal for the first year of the term would be to learn more about the round table and to discover what its strengths and weaknesses are. And then in later years to build upon the strengths and try to fix the weak spots.

Cara Calabrese, candidate for vice-president/president-elect:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

To encourage members to be more involved as we can only grow with the support of our members, and work toward better pathways or connections with ALA divisions, so NMRT members can find their home within ALA.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I enjoy working with my colleagues and developing workflows. My colleagues are great. They are knowledgeable, supportive, and willing to partner on projects. It’s wonderful working with them, and I always learn something new. I’ve been able to develop several new workflows of the acquisitions of materials in collaboration with them. The workflows have all benefited from this collaboration as well. 

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

I have experience in leading committees at local, regional, and national levels. As well as experience in events and programming. I look for ways to support early career librarians as the support and guidance I received when I was in grad school and as a fresh librarian helped me to grow in the field and become successful in my positions.

(From the NMRT Membership Page) The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

I believe NMRT is well positioned as a bridge between other ALA divisions and RTs and working to develop additional programming with these potential partners will allow increased opportunities for NMRT members to explore ALA and librarianship and make connections that can benefit their work and career path. I will work to ensure the NMRT committees have what they need to continue to do their work and are supported in their efforts. I will also do my best to bring pertinent information back to NMRT regarding governance of ALA so NMRT is well informed and is able to advocate for new, student, and early career members within ALA.

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all?

NMRT can continue to work on increasing awareness of ways members can be involved and offering virtual and free or low cost options for members to engage with NMRT and ALA or other partners we have as these options allow for increased reach and engagement. I would like to revisit the suggestion the mentoring committee had regarding training for the committee and mentors to better support BIPOC mentees. There may be internal ALA tools or contacts we can leverage to support this.

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

I want to continue the work to streamline the committee structure so that it is more accessible and we aren’t duplicating functions and can give committees consistent work.

Allison Grubs, candidate for Secretary:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

As part of NMRT’s leadership, I would use my professional network to bring attention to the need for a deeper pool of mentors for new professional librarians and those who are looking to become a librarian or to change their career pathway. Mentorship (both formal and informal) is critical for several reasons: career guidance, skill development, networking, and emotional support and encouragement during a challenging time in a person’s career. Experienced mentors can introduce new professionals to important contacts, and assist them in mastering the more technical methodology of our field.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

The people I work with are the most enjoyable aspect about my current position as Director of Broward County Library (BCL). I work with a team of skilled professionals and our camaraderie and collaboration produce better outcomes for our organization. My team’s diversity in their backgrounds and lived experiences bring a wealth of knowledge and perspectives to BCL, which often leads to more creative solutions and innovative approaches to library services and programming. Finally, as Director, I have the privilege to develop relationships with our staff across the entire organization as well as throughout our community.

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

I reaped the benefits of various professional formal and informal mentorships, and it is so important to pay it forward. Mentorship of new and soon-to-be librarians (regardless of where they are in their career) is critical to moving our profession forward. I am at a place in my career where I can see the industry from a birds-eye level and can lean on my professional network to build up the next generation of librarians. I am someone who can learn from past mistakes and successes, I can balance my professional and personal opinions, and I can have the crucial conversations when necessary. All of this is critical in a time when attacks on our profession and toward ourselves personally are ramping up to an incredibly scary level. We need advocates to stand up and say, “enough,” and I am willing to do that.

(From the NMRT Membership Page) The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

NMRT has come such a long way since I was a new professional, especially when it comes to making information accessible via ALA Connect. As a leader in NMRT, I would support its mission by drawing on my experience working at special and public libraries of all sizes as well as my experience working many different jobs within libraries to:

· provide a high level of advertisement for the services NMRT provides

· bring in similarly qualified individuals to participate on committees, either directly or indirectly via committee initiatives

· provide guidance and mentorship to new and existing members

· help them navigate the sometimes overwhelming number of resources and opportunities available through ALA.

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all?

NMRT is already making a positive difference in so many new professionals’ lives. I would like to see the language change to be more inclusive of those who are not yet professional librarians and/or those who are in the midst of a career change. They may not be a new librarian, but they could still be in need of professional guidance and encouragement.

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

Mainly what I mentioned in the previous question, to be more welcoming to those who are not yet professional librarians but are solidly on track to reach that goal and to be more inclusive of those who are in the midst of a career change and need the encouragement of their colleagues to be as successful as possible.

Michelle Mitchell, candidate for Secretary:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

NMRT as a whole opens up connections for new librarians and library school students; however, I do not know if everyone knows how to get involved or feel as though they are receiving the most from NMRT. I hope to find ways to make NMRT events and meeting notes more accessible to all members and receive feedback on how those can be improved upon. I strive to always represent NMRT members’ best interests upon introducing or revising any initiative through the NMRT Executive Board.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

As the current Reference and Instruction Librarian at Syracuse University, I have liaison responsibilities to underrepresented student populations on campus, including international students. International student relations within libraries is highly underrated and I am enjoying building stronger connections with those students and their support services. Learning from international students and understanding how their needs differ from some domestic students is essential to my position in creating a more inclusive space for them in the libraries. I really enjoy allowing students to claim the library space as their own and finding ways for how I (and the libraries) can better support them.

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

Currently, I am the Chair of the NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Committee, and I have served on multiple NMRT committees in the past, including the Nominating Committee, President’s Program Planning Committee, and the ALA Annual Social Committee. I am also heavily involved in institutional committees at Syracuse University. I am comfortable with taking extensive minutes during meetings and strive to advocate for the best interests of the parties I am representing in those meetings.

(From the NMRT Membership Page) The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

I would support the various needs of our members by representing their concerns through the Executive Board meetings and taking careful notes regarding those concerns. I think a great way to solicit concerns or kudos is by asking the general NMRT ALA Connect page for feedback as well as asking NMRT committees if they have something to bring up at the meeting that would benefit all members. I believe the main way to appropriately serve all of our members appropriately is by making sure their voices are included in Executive Board meetings.

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all?

I believe NMRT needs to find ways to be in connection with their broader member base outside of the committees. Personally, I have only ever been connected with NMRT through serving on committees and I feel as though there should be other opportunities for NMRT members to connect with services NMRT offers regardless of their availability to be a committee member. Hopefully we can find additional ways to engage all members and create more of a community.

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

Similar to the last question, I would like to see NMRT find various ways to engage and include more members into their activities, even if that means creating more opportunities for folks to get involved. I am hoping that through listening to our members and their experiences, we can develop new programs to offer that will benefit someone regardless of being right out of graduate school or 7 years into librarianship.

Lauren Puzier, candidate for Member Services Director:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

As an early-career library professional, I found that attending conferences, meeting scholars and authors, and visiting art and book fairs are fantastic ways to get involved and learn new things with others. I am eager to share ideas on encouraging more new members to attend and participate in the conference and association. It’s amazing how much impact we can have when we work together to promote our profession and support our colleagues. I want to help make sure our current members get the most out of their membership, and will use my time with the leadership team to provide that support.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I am currently the User Experience Librarian at UAlbany. I really enjoy the aspect collaboration plays in my position. My role extends across all areas of the library. I love to team up with colleagues from other departments and our students to find ways to make everyone’s experience with us better.

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

I have leadership experience in supporting and engaging emerging professionals, specifically in the New Members Round Table (NMRT). This includes leading the Mentoring Committee and Professional Development Grants Committee within NMRT, as well as serving as a leader in the Membership Committees of ENY/ACRL and ACRL/Arts. My experience with the College Art Association (CAA) on the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee will also be of value, as I organized numerous professional development opportunities for students, including workshops, lunch-and-learn sessions, and mock interviews. Supporting emerging professionals is both much-needed and fulfilling work.

(From the NMRT Membership Page) The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

I was actually a member for a few years before discovering some of the amazing programs that NMRT offers! I think a focus on promoting valuable NMRT programs such as resume reviews, mentoring, and publication opportunities in Footnotes would go a long way. I imagine many of our own members and would-be members would widely benefit from learning more about our services and taking advantage of them to grow their careers.  

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all?

I think there is always room for improvement. Polling our current members to understand their expectations and desires is one way to approach this. 

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

If elected, it will be my first time participating on the leadership team, so I would like to get familiar with our processes and reach. I often look to see how we can streamline and improve workflow for committees and leaders to be more effective in our roles.

Laura Birkenhauer, candidate for Member Services Director:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

I hope to continue to support members’ professional development on a larger scale. As the Chair of the NMRT Online Discussion Forum Committee for nearly five years, I have had the opportunity to engage NMRT members around topics relevant to the profession. I view the role of Member Services Director as an avenue to continuing this work.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I am the Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement at the Miami University Libraries. The position leads and develops the Libraries’ campus engagement and student success programs, with a focus on underserved student populations. The position was newly created in 2018 when I was hired into the role. I have most enjoyed the opportunity to build the position from the ground up, establishing relationships with campus partners, setting goals and priorities, and getting creative in designing new programs and initiatives.

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

Strengths that I bring to this position include focus, follow through, and an aptitude for problem solving and creating consensus.

I have familiarity with NMRT, having served as the Chair of the NMRT Online Discussion Forum Committee and as a member on other NMRT committees. I am also currently acting in another, similarly membership-focused role after being elected last year as the Membership Chair of the Academic Library Association of Ohio.

(From the NMRT Membership Page) The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

I will seek to increase member engagement in NMRT to ensure members are benefiting from the rich opportunities provided by NMRT and ALA.

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all?

I would like to create more opportunities to listen to NMRT members’ needs in order to identify paths to a more welcoming and inclusive NMRT. My experience with NMRT and ALA is not the same as others’ experiences. As Member Services Director, my role should be to break down barriers and empower NMRT members — and that starts with hearing from them.

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

I have interest in amplifying conversations around occupational burnout, as I feel strongly that early career professionals can benefit from developing an awareness around and preventative approach to combating chronic workplace stress. However, in line with the previous question, I would like changes to be led by the expressed needs of NMRT members.

Elaine Walker, candidate for Leadership Development Director:

What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership? 

As part of NMRT’s leadership, I hope to maintain a safe and supportive environment that fosters growth and professionalism in librarianship through accomplishing the goals of the committees and connecting with other librarians along the way.  

What do you enjoy most about your current position? 

As a Scholarly Communications Librarian, I love the outreach part of my job and being able to do behind the scenes work in managing submissions to our institutional repository and improving accessibility and discovery to our university’s research. I have really enjoyed meeting and connecting with faculty across all disciplines on campus to raise awareness for open access scholarly publishing options and supporting the shift to open research.  

What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall? 

I have worked in a wide range of library institutions from archives and historical societies to academic and public libraries, and a couple of special libraries in between! I hope that my combination of professional and life experiences brings a different approach to contributing ideas and solutions that embrace and support the ever-changing climate of our profession. 

The New Members Round Table ( NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests as a gateway to the profession, pathfinder through ALA, and a stepping-stone to higher places. How would you support this in the role you applied for?

 I would look for opportunities to engage more with the members to identify needs across the areas of leadership and facilitate targeted programming and professional development opportunities.  

What changes if any do you see need to happen for NMRT to make it more welcoming and inclusive to all? 

I think there are opportunities for improvement in connecting members with each other, both virtually and physically, and helping people find their community. 

What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year? 

Streamlining the communication and networking among members.

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Interview with Sonnet Ireland, Former Louisiana Library Association (LLA) President and Current Director for the Washington Parish Library

Within the last couple years, a pervasive new threat to libraries has been infiltrating communities across America. Coordinated book challenge movements have been putting pressure on librarians and politicians to change the way school and public library materials are selected. While these groups often say that they support removing or restricting certain books because they may be harmful to children, many of the titles that have been challenged are about LGBTQ people or people of color. In Louisiana, the Attorney General, Jeff Landry, recently announced efforts to create a bill in collaboration with two Louisiana state legislators that may change the way librarians must select materials. Several libraries across the state have also faced local organized efforts to change library policies. Many of those same libraries have had community members rise up to support the library.

For this post, we sat down with former Louisiana Library Association (LLA) President and current Director for the Washington Parish Library, Sonnet Ireland, to discuss this trend. Ireland has been outspoken about book challenges and the chilling effect they may have on the freedom to read in the state of Louisiana. In this interview, Ireland offers words of advice for new librarians and ideas on how librarians and library leaders can respond to efforts to challenge materials

Book challenges have been happening across the country. Here in Louisiana, we are seeing a few different groups working in their communities and even across the state to challenge books and even change the law to fit their goals. Can you tell us about your experiences with book challenges in your library or community?

I haven’t had to deal with any book challenges at my library where I work, but in St. Tammany Parish, where I live, there have been a lot of challenges and efforts to defund the library under the guise of protecting children. I’m very lucky that I can be vocal about what’s going on because I’m no longer working for that system. I can respond to the challenges in a way that someone working for the library can’t because I’m answering back as a resident of the parish. As a library professional, I can share my expertise on how the library works and how books are selected.

It’s hard, but it’s really better if the library staff step back and let the community respond. Even when I respond as a resident people can say “oh, she’s one of those librarians.” It’s better if the response comes from regular people in the community. If I were still working for the St. Tammany Parish Library, I wouldn’t be able to answer back without worrying about threats to my safety or saying something that would get the library into more trouble. I feel bad for staff who want to respond but can’t. I also wrote letters to every political leader in every town—city council members, parish council members, state representatives, senators, and the governor.

As a former LLA president, have you heard from other libraries in Louisiana that are experiencing book challenges?

I’ve heard from the Lafayette Public Library when it was going on there. Because I’m a former LLA president, I periodically get contacted about it through social media. When I was LLA president, I would get tagged on Twitter when a book challenge was happening. Even as president, I didn’t have a lot of power. There was one instance in Livingston Parish when they had a board member trying to get money taken from the library’s savings. This was back in either 2020 or 2021. I was able to call and let him know that the money for technology. The Internet of 2002 is different from the Internet of 2022. The library needed that money for future technology upgrades. Also, the library isn’t just about books. People come to the library for help with FEMA forms, SNAP, and other things. Then book challenges started happening in Livingston from a group that was based in Lafayette. I do what I can. As past president, I can call and talk to people. I can explain to people how the library works based on what I know. I do it unofficially and not as part of LLA so I can’t get them in trouble.

What effect do you think the current wave of book challenges will have on librarianship as a profession? Do you see this as a momentary challenge or do you think there will be future repercussions?

I think it will be like a pendulum and things will die down again. We saw a lot of this in the 80s with the satanic scare. Hopefully, things will swing back to something reasonable. The groups trying to challenge books at the St. Tammany Parish Library are getting push back so they’re beginning to lose energy. Some were hot and heavy in the beginning because of misinformation about what the library was doing but have now lost interest because they’ve learned more about how the library operates.  

If someone said something like kids can walk out of the library with a penthouse magazine, you’d say “no, that’s not how the library works.” You’d tell them that libraries don’t collect that kind of material, how they have professional librarians that select materials, and that many of the items in the collection are suggested by the community. You’d tell them that for the items that are controversial, they are in the adult section and that a child would need a parent’s permission to check them out. You could also tell them that kids are not going to flip through 300 pages of text for a picture when they have a phone and the Internet.

The pushback has to come from the community not ALA. There’s only so much you can do as a librarian because they can say you’re one of them. You need ordinary people saying this isn’t right, this isn’t fair, this isn’t happening. Rapides Parish had a similar stunt a couple months back, and the LGBTQ community came out to protest. A new board member tried to change the collection policy and a newspaper found out. They are now looking to get rid of the board member and remove the police juror who appointed him.

This can be a very challenging time for new librarians or for those interested in librarianship as a career but are concerned about what’s happening in libraries right now. What advice would you give to someone looking to enter the profession at this time?

You have to be passionate about it. It’s a very exciting time to be a librarian. It’s a very worrisome time to be a librarian. We’re so important. I see this as something similar to what happened to journalists back in 2015/2016. To me, this is our time. It’s important to have librarians right now because who’s going to stand up against this? Who has the expertise? Who’s going to help people identify credible sources to counter the misinformation that’s being spread about libraries? We have to identify the misinformation and stand up for people’s right to read. These things come and go. If you want to be a librarian, you have to believe in the profession and be passionate. Otherwise, you’ll burn out quickly. You may still burn out even if you’re passionate.

You also need to keep calm and be neutral about it. I pride myself that patrons can’t figure out my politics most of the time. You should try not to let people get to you or divulge your personal feelings. Having that boundary keeps you safe. I’ve gotten bumper stickers for candidates for elections before but never used them because I didn’t want someone coming up to my car at night. You can stand up for what you believe while maintaining your safety.

On a similar note, do you have any advice for a new library leader? Someone who is managing their first branch, school library, department, or even library system? How can library leaders make an impact? What would you like to see more library leaders do?

The biggest impact a leader can have is to protect staff as much as possible. Staff may ask why is admin doing this or making that decision. You can talk to your staff about it. As a leader, there are so many laws we must adhere to. Like, a patron may legally have the right to record in a library. You can talk to your staff and say “it’s going to upset you and you’ll want to call the police, but don’t do it.” You can let staff take their nametags off if they’re uncomfortable or go into a staff only area. If a patron complains about someone recording then you can do more like telling that person they can’t record patrons and children. You can’t stop it, but you can keep your staff safe.

It’s easy to think this isn’t going to happen, but then you see it nearby and think “oh, I should have a plan.” Make sure your policies and procedures are up to date. Like, if I have to form a challenge committee, I can’t hide who is on the committee, but if I have the final word then I can turn the attention to me. Do your best to protect your staff.

Sonnet, our time is at an end. Is there anything else you would like to say on this topic that we haven’t covered so far? Any last words of wisdom?

I’m currently working on a presentation or paper on advocacy for libraries for stuff like this. I’m going to use Dungeons and Dragons to talk about how you can help and what you can do. Everyone thinks you have to stand up and give a name and talk, but there are things you can do based on your strengths. I’m great at talking off the cuff. Someone else might write things. You could also work to highlight the negative side of things. For example, you could try to challenge books or complain about books they wouldn’t want removed like children’s Bible stories. You could flood their Facebook accounts with comments or try spoofing by setting up two or three Facebook accounts so it’s harder to pull up their page.

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