Greetings from the Membership Promotion, Diversity & Recruitment Committee

Holiday greetings to all ALA and NMRT members! The Communications Committee has graciously given the Membership Promotion, Diversity & Recruitment Committee (MPDR) an opportunity to share with NMRTs’ readers what we do, discuss our upcoming goals and how you can get involved. In 2007, MPDR started after the consolidation of the Membership, Promotion and Relations Committee with the Diversity Committee. Since 2007, our group’s charge has been to welcome new members into NMRT and ALA, but also provide outreach to not only recruit and retain minority librarians within ALA. MPDR works hard to foster a welcoming environment to all underrepresented groups and people. Our committee works and discusses in an open collaborative environment that values inclusion and the discussion of progressive ideas that when implemented, will help our ALA and NMRT members in their career path. At MPDR and NMRT, we value your membership and want to ensure you make the most of every opportunity.

This year, the MPDR Committee is ramping up our efforts to increase our presence and improve our line of communication to better inform all our members of the opportunities available to them throughout NMRT. Many thanks to those of you who participated in the survey administered by MPDR last year and shared your opinion. We heard your concerns and our committee is working diligently to implement your feedback.

Currently, we are working on a rewrite of the welcome email to new and returning NMRT members. We are developing a more personalized format that touches on the work of our committees within NMRT, opportunities available to our members, and how you can get involved. NMRT will be working with the Communications Committee in relaunching Alternative Voices. A column devoted to promoting open discourse amongst librarians regarding current events to embrace the change-making role we play in our local communities, as well as the larger global context of librarianship. Our first column will feature an interview conducted by MPDR’s Erin Prentiss with Ms. April Hathcock.

MPDR will also be working with the Communications Committee on launching a new segment to spotlight current or former NMRT members, who have utilized opportunities within the roundtable to push their individual development and further their career. If you would like to take part in this exciting new series, feel free to contact us. Or if you would like to nominate someone who you feel would be perfect for this segment, we would gladly welcome your email as well! By sharing your stories, we hope to inspire current and new professionals to take part, share their voice and help make an impact on our profession. We are also currently working on a diversity and inclusion guide to help committees, and their members, foster a positive and supportive environment of acceptance for all.

Our committee would gladly welcome any of your questions and feedback. MPDR and NMRT want to help make your ALA experience work for you and positively impact your professional development. If you would like to learn more about MPDR, please feel free to email and write to, or the MPDP account at We would also strongly encourage you to check out NMRT’s webpage, browse and see what piques your interests. Get involved, make your voice known and make a difference!

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Meet Your NMRT Board Member, Kate Kosturski


Name: Kate Kosturski

Job Title: Outreach Coordinator, Southern United States

Institution: JSTOR

NMRT Board Position/Title: President

What role does your Board Position serve in NMRT?  I think that’s an easy one based on the title – I’m the woman in charge of NMRT! If you want to break it down further, I am the public face of NMRT to the rest of ALA and the library community.  Within NMRT, I oversee the great work that our committees and board members do to ensure that it meets our four NMRT goals:

  1. to structure formal opportunities for involvement and/or training for professional association committee experiences on the national, state and local levels;
  2. to provide a wide variety of programs to assist, encourage, and educate those new to the association and the profession;
  3. to offer a variety of leadership training and opportunities to help those approaching the end of their NMRT eligibility make the transition to future positions in the association and the profession;
  4. to develop and implement ongoing programs for library school students which encourage professional involvement and networking.

How long have you been an NMRT member? I joined ALA and NMRT in 2007, so it’s been almost 10 years!  It was actually one of the first things I did after my first semester of library school was done (when I was sure I was sticking with this career path).

What’s your favorite thing about NMRT? I love our guarantee of committee placement.   I’ve had many occasions of involvement with divisions where I filled out a committee form and then it went…nowhere.  It took a lot of work and personal connections to get involved in some divisions, but some people may not have that temperament.   NMRT provides a low-barrier to ALA involvement – we ensure you are on a committee in some form, regardless of your ALA and library experience.

What advice would you give to someone just joining NMRT this year? Get involved.   And I am not just talking about joining committees when I say that (though that is very important as well).  Your professional association is not just the people who are in the highest levels of leadership, or the paid staff – it is also the dues paying members.   If you see/hear something you do not like that your association is doing, work to change it!

Also, don’t have qualms about contacting your leadership with questions or concerns – whether that is me as your roundtable president, ALA Council members, or the ALA President!  We have our email addresses on the ALA website for a reason – to hear from you!

Favorite Genre: That’s like asking a parent to pick a favorite child! J  Thanks to my boyfriend, I’ve had a greater appreciation of fantasy and science fiction over the past few years. Jo Walton (My Real Children, Among Others) is one of my favorite authors, and I just finished Nisi Shawl’s Everfair, a great take on alternative history from the turn of the century/World War I.  I’m also a BIG fan of the Outlander series thanks to the TV show, working on keeping pace with the TV show with my book reading (just finished the third book in the series, Voyager, which will be the focus of the third season due to debut next year).  I also love comics and graphic novels – if you’re not reading Ms. Marvel, you should be!


Meet Your NMRT Board Member is a 2016-2017 series to help NMRT members get to know their board. If you have any questions about this series, please contact the NMRT Communications Committee Chair, Melanie Kowalski (



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Call For Proposals: Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table

The NMRT Endnotes Committee seeks contributors for the Spring 2017 issue of Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table. NMRT members, current LIS students, and recent graduates are encouraged to submit manuscripts for consideration.

Endnotes is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes articles of interest to early career librarians, LIS students, and newer members of the Association.  Articles published in Endnotes are indexed in Library & Information Science Source.

Topics that might be appropriate for Endnotes include:

  • Training and mentoring
  • Job searching or hiring
  • Developing leadership and management skills
  • Library instruction and assessment
  • Academic librarian responsibilities: hiring, promotion, and tenure
  • Developing new collections or services

Those interested in discussing an article idea are encouraged to contact the Editors at to determine if the proposal fits the publication’s scope.

Articles should range from 2,000 – 4,000 words and present original research, practitioner-based research, and/or case studies relevant to LIS students and new library professionals. Submissions are accepted throughout the year, but articles received by February 15, 2017  will receive guaranteed consideration for the Spring 2017 issue.

Endnotes also offers book and media reviews. Reviews range from 300 – 500 words. Those interested in reviewing are encouraged to contact the Editors at to be included on the reviewers’ mailing list. Approved reviewers will receive periodic announcements of available books and websites.

For more information about Endnotes, including complete submission guidelines, please visit


Tammy Ivins & Josh Rimmer

Chairs, NMRT Endnotes Committee

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Meet Your NMRT Board Member, Elizabeth A. M. Howard


Name: Elizabeth A. M. Howard

Job Title: Director, Eunice & James L. West Library

Institution: Texas Wesleyan University

NMRT Board Position/Title: Parliamentarian

What role does your Board Position serve in NMRT? I am the governance committee chair. In this role, I oversee the Governance Committee. We make sure the bylaws are up to date and reflect any changes that are voted on by the board. In this position, I also serve on the board as Parliamentarian when I ensure that the meetings are conducted appropriately and in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. I help the president run the meetings and make them feel comfortable.

How long have you been an NMRT member? I joined ALA and NMRT together, I believe, in 2010.

What’s your favorite thing about NMRT? I love the opportunities to be on committees. It can be very hard to get on a committee in ALA, even more so if you are a newcomer and do not have any connections. NMRT instantly made me feel welcome, and I did not worry (too much) about making a mistake. Everyone on the Board and in the Committees is happy to help you. When you are not sure what to do next or how to implement something you have never done before in a committee role, just ask. NMRT members are happy to help. It is a great environment to learn how ALA operates.

What advice would you give to someone just joining NMRT this year? Get involved! Don’t just stand on the sidelines and observe.

Favorite Genre: At first I was going to say favorite book, but I knew I would not be able to choose. I am enjoying Steampunk right now both the adult and middle-grade books I am reading with my son. Authors I would suggest trying in the genre are Gail Carriger and S. S. Taylor.


Meet Your NMRT Board Member is a 2016-2017 series to help NMRT members get to know their board. If you have any questions about this series, please contact the NMRT Communications Committee Chair, Melanie Kowalski (


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Non-Traditional Career Paths for Librarians

By Elayna Turner

The October 2016 discussion focused on alternative career paths that those with an MLIS can pursue. The careers discussed stray from the traditional “reference librarian” position and cover more “unique” positions that can be found. As someone who has felt that being a traditional reference librarian did not suit me, I have a strong connection to this topic and the struggle of trying to find a place in the library world that is outside of the norm.

While the discussion took some time to get started, it picked up after I had sent out a second email which detailed a branch of the library profession that I am interested in which is working as a Library Systems Trainer and Consultant. This career path focuses on setting up and training library staff on how to use their library automation system. An automation system can be open-source or purchased from a company such as SirsiDynix, Innovative, and Ex Libris. This career is typically found in companies that can afford to hire specialists on their software. The position involves extensive travel to other libraries across the country, strong teaching skills, knowledge of all of the functions of a library, and a high level of knowledge and experience with library automation systems.

One respondent, Melissa, mentioned looking forward to the discussion of the topic due to being underwhelmed by her public library experience and citing issues with questionable professional ethics. I have found that this feeling more common than one would think in talking to former librarians who have chosen to either leave the profession or find a non-traditional position within the library world. However, it is important to note that this is true of any field where you are dealing with expectation versus reality. Personally, it surprised me how many people in my graduate courses were pursuing their degree in library science and had never worked in a library before. The popular notion of a librarian as someone who sits in the library reading and helping others find books to love is far more complex than that rosy picture. The job which often involves local and organizational politics, keeping the library functioning at 100% with fewer staff, and developing and implementing innovative programs and ideas to keep the library relevant. Even if the career options discussed were few in number, I hope that Melissa and others found this discussion helpful and that it opened their eyes to the other possibilities of librarianship.

Another respondent, Renae, talked about her experience in Disability and Access Services. She provided a deeper look into her specific position in the field. She worked to obtain accessible texts, convert texts to an accessible format, install and troubleshoot accessibility technology, and coordinate the testing room. One of the points of interest for Renae was being able to work with students who were new to discovering what accessible technology could do to enhance their learning process. This type of work is not limited to any particular field either as one could find the need for this in nearly any organization that possesses this kind of technology and a population that needs it. An MLIS is the perfect complement to a position like this as many librarians are dedicated to ensuring access to materials and this is one of many ways that a librarian can ensure a population is being fully served. A career like this requires a dedication to providing access and skill with technology. It may not be for everyone, but it is a strong option for those looking to provide access to underserved populations.

G.W. touched on the topic of working in Digital Collections. He was able to take a temporary, unpaid position working on scanning dissertations and earn a benefitted position by improving the workflow and streamlining the project’s pace. I felt that this was an excellent explanation of what it’s like to find a non-traditional library position and where a position like that can take you. Unpaid internships and temporary positions can offer unique opportunities to discover an aspect of librarianship that may not be readily found elsewhere and they are useful tools for discovering what your niche might be. A bonus of these kinds of positions is getting experience in an area that most other people have not had and this is useful during the job hunt.

Ray mentioned the usefulness of the Special Libraries Association in finding off the beaten path positions. Sometimes it is easy to forget that libraries exist in more than just municipalities, county systems, or colleges and universities. A wide variety of places need them because there is more to the information profession than simply books. From private corporations, museums, and historical societies to entities such as NASA and the CIA, there are libraries in unexpected places and they rely on librarians to apply their research skills to accomplish the mission of the organization.

One of the most important takeaways from this discussion is realizing the sheer diversity of the library profession. Granted, only a few career options were discussed, the examples come from a wide range of disciplines. There are many places that a library science degree can be useful for. While some may claim that the age of the Internet has eliminated the need for librarians, in reality, the Internet has expanded the need for information literate professionals to locate accurate, unbiased information. It is important to remember that information is everywhere and so are librarians.

Links shared during discussion

Special Library Association


Disability and Accessibility Services:

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Apply now for the ALA NMRT Student Chapter of the Year Award!

In the spirit of ALA’s NMRT, the Student Chapter of the Year Award is presented in recognition of a chapter’s outstanding contributions to the American Library Association, their school, and the profession. The purpose of the award is to increase student involvement in ALA through student chapters, and to recognize future leaders in the profession. The Student Chapter winner will receive $1,000 to help defray travel expenses to ALA Annual; the winning chapter and the runner up will each receive a certificate. Both will be recognized at the NMRT Student Reception at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. The seven categories of Student Chapter of the Year Award criteria include:

  • Membership Engagement
  • Programs
  • Communications
  • Leadership
  • Financial Health
  • Awards and Honors
  • Student Chapter Advisor Statement

All ALA Student Chapters in good standing are eligible to receive the ALA Student Chapter of the Year Award. There is no limit on the number of times a student chapter may win the award. Any ALA Student Chapter advisor, Student Chapter officer or member, or ALA member may nominate a Student Chapter, and self-nominations are encouraged.

Please e-mail the completed form and any supporting documents in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format to the committee chair, Kristen Mapes ( Deadline for submitting completed nomination forms is March 3, 11:59pm EST. All nominations will be acknowledged upon receipt.

More information, including the nomination form, may be found here:

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Meet Your NMRT Board Member, Mandi Goodsett


Name: Mandi Goodsett

Job Title: Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian

Institution: Cleveland State University

NMRT Board Position/Title: Vice-President/President-Elect

What role does your board position serve in NMRT?

The Vice-President/President-Elect absorbs the wisdom of the President for a year so she can serve as a good leader for NMRT the following year. She also completes tasks as assigned by the President and works with the Vice-Presidential Planning Committee to brainstorm a President’s Program for the next year’s ALA Annual Conference. Part of her work is to come up with a presidential theme for the next year that will serve and inspire NMRT members—stay tuned!

How long have you been an NMRT member?

I’ve been a member since 2013.

What’s your favorite thing about NMRT?

I love how NMRT serves as a friendly welcome mat to ALA—it provides interesting, rewarding, and non-intimidating ways to develop professionally and build leadership skills. Getting involved in ALA without the NMRT welcome mat can be scary, but NMRT gives newbies the introduction they need to enter into ALA involvement with confidence (at least, that’s what happened for me!).

What advice would you give to someone joining NMRT just this year?

Get a sense of what NMRT has to offer, because there’s a lot! I think some new NMRT members don’t realize the range of valuable services NMRT offers. Whether you need help sprucing up your resume, want some experience with project management, or just want a place to discuss relevant issues with your fellow LIS students or new information professionals, NMRT is designed to serve you, our members!

Meet Your NMRT Board Member is a 2016–2017 series to help NMRT members get to know their board. If you have any questions about this series, please contact the NMRT Communications Committee Chair, Melanie Kowalski (



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NMRT Midwinter Social with Team Trivia


The always fun Midwinter Social is served this year with a trivia twist, tasty treats and a cash bar. What better way to meet and network with your peers than by teaming up with them to defeat others in a cranium competition. All attendees wanting to play trivia will be placed on a team. You do not need to be an NMRT member to attend. Event takes places Saturday, January 21, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, Room A706.

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The Events of this Past Week

No doubt we are all processing what happened this week with our election in many ways (I know I still am) and thinking about the roles we have to play as librarians in this post-election future. The reactions many of us may be feeling could be close to the stages of grief, and most definitely not linear stages, as I learned when I lost my father to cancer two years ago.

First, though: if you need someone to talk to about your feelings after this election, and don’t have a safe space to go to, I am here for you.  I know many people have very fractured relationships right now – I have heard stories from friends that have had their spouses/children cut them out of their lives because of who they voted for, so I am offering my ears and eyes to you as a place where you will be welcome to tell me how you are feeling.   I cannot promise I will offer solutions that are perfect or that you will like, but I can at my core listen,  You may email me at librariankate7578 at gmail dot com.  Or, if you are not comfortable discussing over email, drop me a line and I will send you my phone number.   If you are going to LITA Forum this week in Fort Worth, I will be attending and happy to talk with you in person (though I may make you look at my poster first. 🙂  Know that you can move with working through your thoughts and feelings about what has happened at your own pace, and you do not have to justify that to anyone.

I have two thoughts that have come to mind as I have been watching and reflecting on news from the past week:  

  1. The library, and librarian, as a safe, welcome space (and person) for all people.  I joke that the reason I came into this field was because it was like the motto of the Hard Rock Cafe –
    “Love All, Serve All.”  And it’s true!  It’s incredibly radical that we are such a welcoming space, and I firmly believe this news, as shocking as it has been, gives us an opportunity to remind our circles that libraries and librarians are places and people where they are welcome, they are loved, they are valued.  
  2. The role of the library and librarian as a place for information and critical evaluation of that information. The nature of our media rich society has played an unprecedented role in this election.  Every candidate runs on soundbytes, but the impact the soundbyte had this time around  cannot be ignored.  As librarians, we have a role in ensuring that our patrons, communities, families, friends, and loved ones know how to critically view their media.   I am reminded of a conversation with a college acquaintance about this election that was a case of him “shouting” soundbytes at me and me returning facts.   When he graciously apologized, he said: Perhaps Conservative talk radio has infected me.   In my mind I was shouting “Yes! You’re right!” He was seeing his world through one lens, and missing out on a lot.  This is the role that the library can play – not only to provide information, but to provide the tools to evaluate that information.   When anywhere from 45% to 66% of the population gets their news from Facebook, that’s a problem.  We have a place to solve that problem.  

For those wondering why ALA has not said anything as a larger group about these events, I have heard that you can expect a statement from ALA in conjunction with the ALA Washington Office, either later today (11/14/16) or tomorrow (11/15/16).  

No doubt there will be a fight ahead for the library as institution.   We are looking at a Congress that wants to diminish government’s role in education and libraries.   We will have to reiterate over and over the two core values of libraries and librarians that I detail above, clearly, intelligently, and passionately – and repeatedly.   I would love to hear what actions you think we should take, as a Round Table in response to Trump as our President-elect.  

I hope you are all taking care of yourselves this week as well.  While it may feel strange to do things like go to the movies or watch a football game, a burnt-out activist is not an effective activist. I had the chance to go to my knitting guild meeting  over the weekend and our president said to start the meeting that we are all better angels that we can come together, from various backgrounds, races, and ages to share a common love of a craft.  It felt good to be with my friends, and I came home ready to face the days weeks and months ahead.  

Be strong, fellow NMRT members.  Only when you see the bottom of the abyss do you start to figure out the way out.  

With kindest regards,

Kate Kosturski

NMRT President

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NMRT Member of the Week Spotlight: 5 Questions with Colleen Whitall


Colleen Whitall

Maitland Public Library, Maitland, Florida

Public Services Librarian

A little bit about Colleen’s job:

  • Plan, promote, and lead 250+ programs a year for adults; including special events, and assist with programs for children and youth.
  • Web-based and print marketing/content management for adult programs/events; produce and dispatch press releases to four local media outlets.
  • Create and foster partnerships for cooperative community programming.
  • Provide public service at Reference desk to identify and interpret user needs; provide reference, readers’ advisory, computer and database assistance (in person, by phone and electronically).
  • Assist Director and Senior Staff to establish and maintain Library policies and guidelines and participate in collection development and maintenance; selection and weeding.

1) What are some things you like about your job or about working in libraries in general?

When it comes to creative programming, I like being able to think outside the box and having the support of my supervisors to do so.

2) What’s a project or committee you’re working on right now that you’re excited about?

I’m just beginning Year 13 of the Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute, where I am a mentee. I am really looking forward to learning and completing some professional goals with a great mentor.

3) What got you interested in libraries?

In high school, I worked as a page in my hometown library. I went in other professional directions, but found my way back, and received my MSIS in late 2014.

4) What is one of your favorite things about NMRT?

Often, as a new professional, it’s hard to have the confidence to step up and be a leader; whether it’s hosting a new and untried program, or submitting your first grant proposal. NMRT, and it’s mission, helps remind me that I’m not the only one in these shoes, and that there are resources and support available when needed. Thank you!

5) Do you have any advice for other new librarians?

I was unemployed for nearly a year after graduating. It was the single worst fear I had, and I managed to get through it. Never be too proud to volunteer, and always keep in touch with your mentors.

We are in need of more NMRT Member of the Week nominations! Want to be our next member of the week? Know another new librarian who deserves to be in the spotlight? Fill out our nomination form here!

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