NMRT Member of the Week – Sierra Laddusaw


Name: Sierra Laddusaw

Institution/Location of Institution: Texas A&M University Libraries, College Station, Texas

Job Title: Map Librarian

Brief job description: As Map Librarian I provide instruction around the map collection, design outreach activities and events, catalog cartographic materials, and handle collection development.

What are some things you like about your job or about working in libraries in general?

I love connecting people to the materials they need and with maps it is a scavenger hunt! I also enjoy building the collection, there are a number of interesting collections within the map collection – including our Maps of Imaginary Places, Cuba, and Texas A&M Collections – and purchasing new material to add to them is exciting.

What’s a project or committee you’re working on right now that you’re excited about?

At the Texas A&M Libraries we are in the process of creating a new diversity plan. Our previous plan worked fine, but had reached the end of its life. I am excited to be a member of the team that is crafting the new plan, in our meetings we are having difficult conversations and addressing those elephants within our organization. We hope that the new plan, once completed, will help move our organization forward and be a living document that can grow and evolve as our library does.

What got you interested in libraries?

My parents instilled a love of reading in both my brother and myself. My mother would take us to the public library during summer break where we devoured the books in the children’s section and I remember looking at the images of mummies, exotic animals, and foreign countries in the encyclopedias in the reference section. When out shopping I can’t remember a time where either of my parents told me no when I wanted to buy a book. Alongside that, there are a number of librarians that made an impact on me. My middle school librarian who would set aside books that she thought I would enjoy, my junior high librarian who gave me my first student position in a library, my high school librarian who was more of a guidance counselor to me than the staff with that title, and the librarians at my undergrad who hired me and gave me fascinating projects to work on (alongside the dreaded shifting). These librarians were women who were smart, were in charge of caring for material I loved, and made me feel welcomed, I wanted to grow up to be like them.

What is one of your favorite things about NMRT?

The opportunities to get involved at a national level. As a new librarian I didn’t think it would be easy to get to serve on a national level committee. Thanks to NMRT I felt empowered to apply for committee work and was selected to serve on the NMRT Student Chapter of the Year Award Committee.

Do you have any advice for other new librarians?

Say yes to opportunities and don’t let imposter syndrome hold you back. It is easy to sit at your desk and only do the work that is in your job description. You’ll do fine, you’ll probably get good marks on your evaluation, but librarianship has much more to offer and becomes such a fruitful endeavor when you step outside of your comfort zone.


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Building Bridges in ALA

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by ALA’s size? Are you confused by the many ALA Divisions and their functions? Join us for the 2017 NMRT President’s Program, Building Bridges in ALA, an ALA Pre-Conference Workshop hosted by Kate Kosturski, on Friday, June 23, 2017 from 9am to 12pm. NMRT will have a panel of transitioning ALA presidents and presidents-elect on hand to help answer your questions about ALA’s organization and the opportunities available to you for career advancement.

In this interactive pre-conference event, participants will explore the challenges of navigating through the larger ALA organization by listening to a panel discussion composed of Vicki L. Sipe, Mary Beth Thompson, Ann Campion Riley, Jeanette P. Smithee, Andromeda Yelton, John Spears, Pixey A. Mosley, Felton Thomas, Jr., Pam Sandlain Smith, Chris LeBeau, and Susan J. Schmidt. Ask questions and network with the panelists while enjoying light refreshments. The cost of participating in the workshop is $20 for NMRT members; $22 for non-NMRT but ALA members; $25 for non-ALA; and $15 for students.


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Apply for the 2017 Professional Development Attendance Award

This year’s Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award committee is happy to announce that they are now accepting applications for the 2017 cycle. This award will allow two recipients to attend a ticketed event of their choice ($100 or less) at the 2017 Annual Conference in Chicago.  This award is intended to help NMRT members attend an event that will enhance their professional development and networking experience that might be otherwise out of reach.
You must be an NMRT member to apply and have plans to attend the Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Not an NMRT member? Be sure to go to the ALA website (link: http://www.ala.org/) to learn more about NMRT and join. Applicants are required to explain how attending a ticketed event will help them both personally and professionally in 250 words less.
Applications are due by April 15, 2017 at 6pm EST. Winners will be notified by May 6, 2017.
Questions? Feel free to contact committee chair, Amelia Vander Heide (amelia.vanderheide@yahoo.com).
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February 2017 Live Twitter Chat Summary: Professional Development

By: Carrie Fishner

The focus of our live Twitter chat on February 23, 2017 was “professional development with limited budget and/or time”. The discussion was lively, with many responders sharing some of their biggest hurdles, as well as tips for making the most of what you have available.

The first question posed to our Twitter audience was to ask what the biggest roadblock to professional development that people face is. Many of those who participated identified the focus of our topic, which are lack of time and a limited budget. Finding time that you can dedicate to professional development can be difficult for many reasons, including short staffing, working on large projects, and juggling many commitments. On the budget side, identified issues included no funding through employment, funding available through your organization may be prioritized to those who are full time or have seniority, and the difficulty in locating and competing for grants through organizations such as ALA. Webinars can be great for the time issue, as most are archived after their initial air date, so often you can sign up and then watch when it is more convenient to you.

Our next topic was about goals, what are you goals when you are looking at professional development activities? For many they were directly related to current or future projects, but for others is had to do with finding new perspectives and approaches. Having a clear idea of what your goals are as you search for opportunities can be helpful, as this may lead you to more specific providers, as well as funding opportunities that might otherwise have been missed. Developing specific skills was another very popular answer for this question, as many felt that they would get the most support from their organizations if they could directly link the professional development activity to a specific work related skill.

Many participants offered great insight into their professional development goals and struggles, but one of the most important questions we discussed was where to locate those activities. Where do you look for professional development? A lot of great answers were shared! Our participants had a varied approach for seeking out professional development activities that included sources such as Twitter, List-servs, conference networking, and the more traditional library associations and organizations. One recommendation was to look at what skills you are hoping to develop, and then to look at other organizations or fields which may also offer you the development in that area. Community and local development activities were also discussed, as connecting with this population can be quite important.

We wrapped up our discussion by asking participants what resources they would find most helpful in the future for this topic. The main suggestion was to look early for resources, ALA and similar associations offer many professional development activities, as well as grants and scholarships. However, many of the deadlines for these money opportunities are early, so you need to pay attention and plan ahead.

Professional development is an area that most would say is highly important to their field, and yet it can often be left as an after-thought. Taking time, at least once a year, to lay out a set of goals and to look for opportunities can be what is needed to jump-start your professional development plan. Don’t be afraid to try something new or out of the box, you may discover a development gem!


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Notes from the President – March 2017

Happy Spring NMRT! (Unless you live like I do in the Northeast, where the groundhog was unfortunately right and we’re getting every last day of our six weeks of winter.) Things at NMRT are heating up (if the weather outside isn’t), so I wanted to give you a few updates.

  • Attending the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) conference later this month?  While NMRT won’t have any formal events at the conference, several board members will be in attendance – Outreach Director Ariana Santiago, VP/President-Elect Mandi Goodsett, and I. If you see any of us at the conference, don’t be afraid to say hello or ask us questions.
  • Want to apply for a committee next year?  You can look for the committee form to open later this spring.  Note that if you are already on a committee and want to stay on that committee, you will need to complete the volunteer form again.
  • Elections!  The ALA Election period will be open starting March 13th and running through April 5th, with the winners announced a week later (April 12th).  You may have received a test email from ALA verifying your email address last week. Ballots will be sent between March 13th and 15th, so don’t panic if you don’t get it right next Monday – there are a LOT of emails going out from the ALA Home Office, it takes some time! You can view the list of candidates on our blog, and look for more information on the candidates soon.

Finally, I am very happy and heartened to see the great discussions that have been taking place on our listserv, both through our Online Discussion Forum committee and in reaction to how ALA has responded to various moves by our current government. People are listening with empathy and expressing their views constructively, avoiding nasty and explosive discussion that leads to hurt feelings and broken friendships. A professional association is as good as its members, and you are making ALA your own – keep up the good work!

-Kate Kosturski, New Members Round Table President

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Extended Deadline: Application for the NMRT Student Chapter of the Year Award is Due March 17

The deadline to apply for the ALA NMRT Student Chapter of the Year Award has been extended to March 17th!

In the spirit of ALA’s New Member Round Table, the Student Chapter of the Year Award is presented in recognition of a chapter‘s outstanding contributions to the American Library Association, their school, and the profession. The purpose of the award is to increase student involvement in ALA through student chapters, and to recognize future leaders in the profession. The Student Chapter winner will receive $1,000 to help defray travel expenses to ALA Annual; the winning chapter and the runner up will each receive a certificate. Both will be recognized at the NMRT Student Reception at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. The seven categories of Student Chapter of the Year Award criteria include:

  • Membership Engagement
  • Programs
  • Communications
  • Leadership
  • Financial Health
  • Awards and Honors
  • Student Chapter Advisor Statement

All ALA Student Chapters in good standing are eligible to receive the ALA Student Chapter of the Year Award. There is no limit on the number of times a student chapter may win the award. Any ALA Student Chapter advisor, Student Chapter officer or member, or ALA member may nominate a Student Chapter, and self-nominations are encouraged.

Please e-mail the completed form and any supporting documents in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format to the committee chair, Kristen Mapes (kmapes86@gmail.com). Deadline for submitting completed nomination forms is March 17th, 11:59pm EST. All nominations will be acknowledged upon receipt.

More information, including the nomination form, may be found here:http://www.ala.org/nmrt/oversightgroups/comm/awscotya/scotya

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Meet Your NMRT Board Member, Nicole Spoor

Name: Nicole Spoor

Job Title: Business Librarian

Institution: University of North Carolina at Charlotte

NMRT Board Position/Title:  Leadership Development Director

What role does your Board Position serve in NMRT?  I oversee three awards committees, the NMRT Online Discussion Forum, and the Annual Social Committee.

How long have you been an NMRT member? I think for about 7 years.

What’s your favorite thing about NMRT?  It is really the people.  I have made so many connections through NMRT.  NMRT is, in my opinion, the most inviting, inclusive group in ALA.  I would also have to say that I have a special place in my heart for the NMRT Resume Review Service.  I served on that committee for quite a few years and it was very rewarding. I have seen the great work done by the committee and the volunteers.  It was always wonderful to hear that the service helped someone find a job.  

What advice would you give to someone just joining NMRT this year? Show up and get involved.  Don’t be shy about it.  Everyone in NMRT is in the same boat or has been there at some point.  It is one of the best ways make ALA work for you.

Meet Your NMRT Board Member is a 2016-2017 series to help NMRT members get to know their board. If you have any questions about this series, please contact the NMRT Communications Committee Chair, Melanie Kowalski (melanie.t.kowalski@gmail.com).


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NMRT February Live Chat: Professional Development with Limited Budget/Time

When: Thursday, February 23, 2017

Time:   2:00pm to 3:00pm, US/Eastern

1:00pm to 2:00pm, US/Central

11:00am-12:00pm, US/Pacific

Professional development is a priority for most librarians. In today’s world of limited budgets, and sometimes even more limited time – how do you find professional development opportunities? What are the best sources in your area for these opportunities? Where else can you look? If you do need to ask for funding, how do you do that?

This chat will be happening on Twitter. To join and follow the chat, follow Carrie Fishner @CJFishner and/or follow the hashtag #nmrtchat You can follow the tweets by typing #nmrtchat into the search box or use something like TweetDeck or HootSuite to filter the tweets.

The most important thing is to include #nmrtchat in all of your tweets to make them visible for all participants.

When the chat starts, send a tweet to introduce yourself, it’s always helpful to know who everyone is.

Carrie, the chat moderator will be asking 4 questions in the Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 format, and followers will use the #nmrtchat and answer in the A1, A2, A3 and A4 format.

Feel free to retweet any comments you like or agree with, and share any articles or blogs of interest.

Look forward to seeing you all at #nmrtchat !


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January 2017 Online Discussion Summary: Mentorships

The focus of the January discussion was on mentorship opportunities, especially for professionals new to the field of librarianship.  The discussion began by asking who had participated in a professional mentorship, where had they found the opportunity, and what had they gained or hoped to gain from the relationship.  Input was also sought from those who had been able to act as mentors, instead of just as mentees.  Finally, what makes a good mentorship relationship?

Based on the input in the discussion, mentorships seemed to fall into broad categories: formal mentorships, either short- or long-term, and informal mentorships.  Formal mentorship opportunities were often found through professional organizations, like the ALA, its round tables or divisions, or state-level organizations.  Joining a professional organization is a common first step for someone looking to build a professional network or seeking more experienced professional contacts.  Participants in formal mentorship programs were matched with volunteer mentors, often in the same field or region of the country, but not necessarily so.  Universities also often offer mentorship opportunities to recent graduates, pairing them with alums from previous classes.

Formal mentorships might be short or long term.  Long-term mentorships can be set for a certain period of time, say a year, or might be open-ended, to be concluded by the participants themselves.  Short term mentorships are frequently seen at conventions, where first-time attendees are paired with returning attendees.  The first-timer is able to benefit from the other’s prior experience, and be less overwhelmed by the size of the convention.

More casual mentorship-style relationships can arise between acquaintances.  Junior professionals might turn to more experienced librarians within their organization or institution.  Someone looking to go into management might work with a manager at their own institution in order to learn skills to use themselves someday.  These might never be formally labeled “mentorships” by the participants, but still provide the same benefits.

Overall, mentorships are considered very positive, helpful experiences, but also vary as widely as the people participating in them. Many participate in mentorships to build professional networks.  Others seek a mentor in certain areas of librarianship or within their own organization or institution. Some seek mentors specifically outside of their own institution or field, in order to have a broader perspective on things like resumes, interviews, professional development, or institutional politics.  The most successful mentorships appear to depend on the compatibility of those participating.  Similar communication styles are helpful, for example, or similar ways to approaching a problem.  Mentors and mentees both must be able to listen to the other well, and communicate clearly what they wish to share.

by Lara Harrison

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NMRT Midwinter Social Recap

Thanks to the work of the members of the Midwinter Social Committee, the NMRT Midwinter Social was a success! The Social took place on January 21 at the Marriott Marquis and attracted nearly 40 attendees eager to battle it out for the title of trivia champions. Teams were divided up based on their birth month, which gave everyone a chance to socialize and network over drinks and a vegetable bar. This year the committee introduced some opportunities for attendees to show off their creativity, which was put on full display when teams lined up to compete in a vicious paper airplane flying competition. While there were a few nosedives, it became clear a couple of attendees would have made great aerospace engineers.


If you’re headed to Midwinter in Denver next year, make sure to attend the Social. It’s always a blast!


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