NMRT Nominating Committee: Candidate Interviews for 2024 Ballot

The 2024 ALA Election period begins on March 11, 2024. Please take a moment
to learn more about the candidates running for NMRT’s Executive Board in this
election cycle.

Michelle Osbourne – Candidate for Outreach Director

1. What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

I hope to continue to provide leadership to those interested in the library
field. Literacy is an important aspect of closing the education gap; therefore,
we should be advocates for the field of librarianship.

2. What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I enjoy going to the local schools to promote the library and form
relationships with the patrons. It is nice to see the toddlers grow up to be
avid readers and users of the library.

3. What skills and/or experience would you bring to your position
that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

I have over 30 years of library experience in various roles. I started out
as a PT Branch assistant in 1993, and then in 1994 I moved to FT Library
Assistant in Circulation and then Reference. I was promoted to Branch Manager
in 2015 at the Gaston County, Stanley Branch Library. I understand the
importance of libraries and have the desire to expand my reach in this

4. How would you support the NMRT’S mission in the role you are
running for?

I would be able to mentor new members and share my experiences with ALA as
well as be a reference for resources needed to succeed in the profession.

5. What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for next

I think NMRT is on the right path and hope to continue in the positive

Mary Kamela – Candidate for Secretary

1. What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

If elected secretary, I hope to serve NMRT as an effective record-keeper,
communicator, and liaison. In addition to keeping detailed, organized records
of Executive Board meetings and committee reports, I will work to disseminate
relevant information to NMRT officers, committee members, and the general

One of my favorite aspects of NMRT is the community that it provides for new
members within ALA. I believe a community functions best when its members are
informed and engaged, so I will work to ensure that everyone involved with the
round table feels that they have a voice and an opportunity for involvement. I
have been able to gain valuable professional experience through NMRT, serving
as a committee member and chair, and moving into a leadership role would allow
me to continue forward on this path while helping others to do the same.

2. What do you enjoy most about your current position?

Professionally, my current position is Student Support and Engagement
Librarian at the University at Buffalo. My favorite part of this job is the
room for freedom and flexibility it provides. My main job duties comprise
undergraduate education, serving as liaison to the Department of Communication
and University Honors College, and planning and facilitating extracurricular
programming to foster student engagement. Within these responsibilities, I have
the freedom to pursue new and innovative ideas, practices, and collaborations
that serve my institution and make me a better librarian.

Within NMRT, I currently serve as chair of the Communications Committee,
which presents the exciting opportunity to collaboratively plan and write
engaging posts for the NMRT Notes blog. It has been extremely rewarding to meet
and work with committee members from across the profession to brainstorm timely
and innovative content for the blog. From conference tips to testimonials about
NMRT services to lists of timely resources, we have been able to cover a wealth
of helpful topics and maintain consistency in our web presence.

3. What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position
that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

I have been lucky enough to work as a teaching librarian for over six years,
and my experience with instruction has prepared me to take on new roles in new
environments with confidence, flexibility, and humility. Teaching requires
clear communication, including an understanding of one’s audience, and an
innate willingness to help. Managing a course load and juggling lesson plans
requires precise organization, record-keeping, and assessment. Finally,
teaching promotes flexibility and leadership; while the best teachers are
self-assured in their subject matter, they are also able to easily assess
situations and adapt to changing circumstances. I would bring these skills to
the table, along with my unique experiences and perspectives from teaching, as
NMRT secretary.

4. How would you support NMRT’s mission in the role you are running

NMRT’s mission is to support new members (of less than ten years) in
becoming more involved in the organization and the profession, and the
secretary is uniquely poised to further this mission in several ways. First, as
a voting Executive Board member, I would use my vote mindfully to enact
positive change within the round table and represent the best interests of our
general membership. The secretary also oversees several NMRT committees, and I
would take this responsibility seriously, helping to guide new members through
what might be their first appointed committee roles. Finally, as the main
manager of the NMRT social media accounts, I would use both social media and
ALA Connect to keep the entire membership aware of services, events, and other
opportunities for engagement, ensuring to consistently highlight NMRT-specific
supports such as the Resume Review Service, Endnotes journal, and NMRT Notes

5. What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the
next year?

If elected secretary, I would aim for more open communication and
transparency between the Executive Board and general membership. It is
important for all members to know what is happening within the round table and
be able to make informed decisions about involvement. To accomplish these
strides in improved communication, I would advocate for easier member access to
Executive Board minutes, or at least summaries thereof. Additionally, I would
be interested in investigating whether NMRT can expand its social media
presence beyond Twitter to reach more users. Both changes have the possibility
to better highlight and promote the exciting work being done at all levels of
NMRT membership.

Heather Bush – Candidate for Secretary

1. What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

As an early career librarian, I’m always looking for more experience serving
library-related organizations. As a NMRT member since 2018, I have learned
about committee participation, roles, structures, and expectations by serving
as a member and as a committee chair. The next step would be to serve as
Secretary and support students and other library professionals to better
understand the structure of NMRT, ACRL, and ALA, as well as how important and
easy it is to get involved, without feeling overwhelmed. Volunteering for NMRT
has given me the opportunity to work with librarians from across the country
from libraries different from my own and I want to encourage others to

2. What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I am an Assistant Professor and Access Services Librarian at Eckerd College
in St. Petersburg, FL. There are two things I enjoy most about my job. The
first is how closely I get to work with students, both in the library and
around campus. We employ about 24 student workers in our library and wouldn’t
be able to provide the level of service and access we do without them. The
second would be the variety of roles I serve in my position, including access
services, reference, information literacy instruction, liaison to the
behavioral sciences, professor, and informal mentor and advisor to student

3. What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position
that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

Since joining NMRT, I’ve been a committee member of EndNotes, Web, and
Handbook. In addition, I’ve chaired the Handbook and Web Committees, both of
which reported to the Secretary, until recently. In my current role as
Governance and Handbook Committee Chair, I’ve been working closely with the
NMRT Board to move the Handbook from Google Drive to the website. Being good
with technology has helped me with this project, but ALA provides support and
Drupal training for any volunteers serving on certain committees. In a previous
digital assets manager position, I gained experience with knowledge bases and
information organization which also came in handy for this project.

Regionally, I served in several positions, including as vice president and
president, on the board for Suncoast Information Specialist, an organization of
library and information professionals around Tampa Bay. This gave me experience
planning events, keeping the members informed, and making decisions on where
the organization was headed.

At Eckerd, I serve on faculty committees and as a faculty sponsor for our
student leaders of the Intergenerational Book Club and the First-Generation
Student Club. In serving various roles around campus and beyond, I need to be
detail-oriented and multitask while managing my time and a work-life balance.

4. How would you support NMRT’s mission in the role you are running

As Secretary, I would support the Board in membership recruitment and share
ideas on how to encourage more participation in committee work. This could
include coordinating online programs for members unable to attend in-person
conferences/events, additional professional development training opportunities,
a Q & A area where new members can ask questions that ensures they are
receiving a response from a Board member or Committee Chair. I’d like to help
make involvement in the organization more transparent.

5. What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the
next year?

I would like to see more informational sessions about what NMRT has to offer
new and existing members, as well as communication about committee expectations
and time commitments. I’ve learned a lot from volunteering through NMRT and
want others to have that same opportunity. The processes and information need
to be streamlined and clearly communicated. Through making these changes, we
could give more early-career librarians an opportunity to explore various roles
on committees and help them find their interests while gaining leadership and
collaboration skills.

Morgan Brickey-Jones – Candidate for Vice President/President Elect

1. What do you hope to accomplish as part of NMRT’s leadership?

As a part of NMRT’s leadership team, I’m just so excited about expanding the role NMRT can play in not only new members of ALA, but to act as a special liaison from ALA to ALA Student Chapters. I want to ensure that Library school students, particularly those in ALA student chapters, have an awareness of what ALA membership (and participation) can do for their professional journey. I want to have regular, dependable communication from NMRT to ALA Student Chapters- this expands upon the work done by previous presidents and board members. NMRT can certainly help new librarians coming into the profession- our resume review service(s) and other ALA events help new librarians connect and grow.

2. What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I enjoy how the Outreach Director position has allowed me to have a better understanding of communications with NMRT and how we interact with ALA Student Chapters. I enjoy attending and contributing to the Officer’s Meetings and seeing how the organization works.

3. What skills and/or experience would you bring to this position that would benefit NMRT and the profession overall?

In my current position, I manage a large team responsible for 24/7 staffing of a large library as well as two smaller branches. I have been a member of committees for the Texas Library Association and another ALA Division, YALSA. I often work with large groups of professionals at varying points in their career. I was encouraged to volunteer for ALA when I was very early in my career, and passing along that same encouragement towards professional development is very important to me.

4. How would you support NMRT’s mission in the role you are running for?

The core of NMRT’s mission is to encourage and support librarians early in their journey (less than 10-years of membership) with ALA to become actively involved with ALA and their professional development. As NMRT’s Vice President/President Elect, I plan on continuing that work while also expanding our reach more dynamically into ALA student chapters. Also, I really believe in NMRT’s programming at conference- I have used the resume review service. Last year, I went to the NMRT Conference Orientation program in Chicago, and I saw friendships and connections being made between librarians.

5. What changes, if any, would you like to make for NMRT for the next year?

I’m really interested in work with our Emerging Leaders project(s) in the upcoming years, no matter what they be! The branding project last year was a great improvement and the committee consolidation project worked well in the year before that. I think that we benefit so much from these ideas from new librarians, and it is an ideal partnership since these folks newer to the profession comprise the majority of NMRT members.

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ALA Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award

{Please excuse cross postings.]

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS now until March 31st.

Would you like to attend one of this year’s ALA conference events, but don’t have the means to do so? Apply for the Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance award by 11:59PM on March 31st , 2024. The award offers $100 to two people to attend an event of their choice at this year’s Annual Conference in San Diego, California on June 27-July 2, 2024. You must be a current ALA and NMRT member to apply. To join, visit the ALA website and follow the “Join ALA” link.

To apply, please visit http://tinyurl.com/eventaward. Applicants will be notified in the last week in April.

For questions, please contact the chair of the NMRT Awards Committee, Jennifir Huston: jhuston@sailsinc.org

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Call for Applications:  Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS now until March 31st.

Would you like to attend one of this year’s ALA conference events, but don’t have the means to do so? Apply for the Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance award by 11:59PM on March 31st , 2024. The award offers $100 to two people to attend an event of their choice at this year’s Annual Conference in San Diego, California on June 27-July 2, 2024. You must be a current ALA and NMRT member to apply. To join, visit the ALA website and follow the “Join ALA” link.

To apply, please visit http://tinyurl.com/eventaward. Applicants will be notified in the last week in April.

For questions, please contact the chair of the NMRT Awards Committee, Jennifir Huston: jhuston@sailsinc.org

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NMRT Member of the Month Spotlight: Carissa Neary

Our newest NMRT Member of the Month is Carissa Neary! Carissa is the Development Manager at New Castle Public Library, New Castle, PA. Many thanks to Carissa for taking the time to answer some questions about her role, NMRT, and advice for new librarians.

What are some things you like about your job or about working in libraries in general?

I love how much of an impact the local library has on the community. In my youth, I frequented the library a lot with my family enjoying the program especially with the visits from the dogs. After my teens, I primarily only utilized the library for my collegiate studies. Since starting to work at the library, I have come to greatly appreciate the services, resources, and programs offered along with the positive impact made on the community.

What got you interested in libraries?

I have had multiple positions in libraries and am really excited to be back at one. In college, I worked in the library at the circulation desk assisting students with research and filing their needed materials. After college, I worked as a long-term building substitute in a middle school (grades 6-8).

What is one of your favorite things about NMRT?

My favorite thing about NMRT is the welcoming, engaging community. I appreciate the support offered by the community forum and discussions.

Do you have any advice for other new librarians?

While I do not work directly in the service side of the library, I see many aspects and opportunities for growth and development of the library. I think it’s important for new librarians to be comfortable with trying out new ideas to engage with the community.

Do you know an outstanding librarian or librarian-in-training? Submit a nomination using our online form. Self-nominations welcome!

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Black History Month: Resources, Collections, and Events

By Margaret Bates, Research and Instruction Librarian, University of Alabama Libraries

February is Black History Month! The theme for 2024 is African Americans and the Arts. Here are some resources to help highlight different Black writers, artists, and movements at your library.

National Museum of African American History and Culture: The NMAAHC has curated an online collection including gallery tours, reading lists, exhibition highlights, and social media material. Make sure to check out their collection on the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance of the 1970s!

The Association for the Study of African American Life and History: is hosting virtual events all February covering different aspects of the theme African Americans and the Arts. On February 15th they’ll be hosting an evening talk about the Impact of the Arts in the Gullah Geechee Community!

The Smithsonian Institution: has events dedicated to Black History Month, some in person and some virtual, as well as lists of resources, online exhibitions, and a list of Black History Exhibits from its many museums. Check out the virtual exhibit from the Postal Museum, “The Black Experience.”

Penguin Random House: has released a list of featured speakers, including Nicola Yoon, a National Book award finalist and NYT bestselling author, and Percival Everett, a Pulitzer Prize Finalist. They have also published a Books for Black History Month reading list.

The American Association of School Librarians: has a helpful Black History Month Page with many resources and lesson plans on how to engage with learners and patrons on Black History Month.

Check out the ALA Advocacy page to support authors of banned books and advocate for building diverse collections.

The first week of February (2/2-2/10) is Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week. Check out the 2023 Coretta Scott King Book Awards Honors and Winners to highlight in your collections.

How is your library going to celebrate Black History Month? Are there any resources we missed?

In addition to Black History Month, here are some other holidays and observances for February that your library may want to keep in mind.

February is National Library Lovers Month; how do your patrons love the library?!

February 2 – National Wear Red Day to raise awareness for heart disease

February 2 – Groundhog Day

The Library of Congress has a short information blogpost about the origins of Groundhog day. Did you know it originated with the Celts?

February 7 – World Read Aloud Day

LitWorld has tons of Resources and Activities from live events, virtual bookshelves, booklists, and activities.

February 10 – Lunar New Year

Penguin Random House has great selection of books for all ages by Asian Authors from all over the world.

February 11 – Superbowl Sunday

February 11-17 – Freelance Writers Appreciation Week

Check out the Freelance Solidarity Project to learn more about how you can support freelance writers.

February 14 is Valentine’s Day

Try setting up Blind Date with a Book at your library, or some other fun activity!

February 19 – President’s Day

February 20 – World Day of Social Justice

Advocate for your local library! Find out more at the ALA’s State and Local Advocacy Page.

February 29th – Leap Day!

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Call for Applications: Student Chapter of the Year Award

Has your chapter had an outstanding year? Has membership in your chapter increased? Did your chapter develop and provide opportunities for members to participate in interesting and rewarding activities? Has your chapter received any awards? Do you have outstanding officers or members who should be recognized nationally?

If you answered YES to these questions:

Apply for the New Members Round Table Student Chapter of the Year Award!

Purpose of the Award:

The Award is presented in recognition of a chapter’s outstanding contributions to the American Library Association, their library school, and the profession. All interested applicants must be accredited ALA Student Chapters.

The Student Chapter winner will receive $1,000.00 to help defray travel expenses to ALA Annual; the winning chapter and the runner up will each receive a certificate.

The winners and runner up will be recognized at the NMRT Student Reception at the 2024 ALA Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Application Process:

Please visit https://www.ala.org/rt/nmrt/scotya for more information on the award and nomination form. If you have any questions, please contact committee chair, Dr. Michelle Osborne, michelle.osborne@gastongov.com.

Deadline: March 4, 2024

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Get to Know LibLearnX 2024

By Mary Kamela, University at Buffalo

Want to kick start 2024 with an opportunity for professional development and networking?  

Consider attending ALA’s LibLearnX in Baltimore, Maryland from January 19-22, 2024.  

LibLearnX, also known as the Library Learning Experience, is an innovative conference for information professionals of all types and at all career levels. The programming at LibLearnX (LLX) focuses on engaging, interactive programs and activities in four different categories: Accelerators (nontraditional learning experiences), Ideas Xchange (peer conversations on vital topics), Learning Labs (action-based learning), and ShopTalk (short presentations with practical takeaways). Participants will also have access to the LLX Marketplace and the opportunity to engage with exhibitors about technology, education, and more. You can find a full list of programs at LibLearnX 2024 here.   

LibLearnX celebrates librarians and books by presenting the Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction, the I Love My Librarian Award, and the ALA Youth Media Awards at the conference, and highlights important voices across the library world. Featured speakers at LLX 2024 include Michele Norris, Kate DiCamillo, Jesús Trejo, Antonia Hylton, Mia Armstrong, and George M. Johnson. LibLearnX will also host a mainstage panel featuring ALA President Emily Drabinski, as well as a panel session entitled “AI and Libraries: A Discussion on the Future.” 

In addition to conference programming, awards, and an excellent slate of speakers, ALA is also offering participants an opportunity to take part in community service through the ALA Gives Back program on January 19, 2024. Participants may register to volunteer for two Baltimore-based service activities with the Living Classrooms Foundation or the Enoch Pratt Free Library. Note: Currently, both community service opportunities are at capacity, but participants can add their name to a waitlist when registering.  

Can’t attend in person? LibLearnX offers the LLX Digital Experience, which includes an accessible, curated selection of virtual programming for online participants. You can find more information, including a list of Digital Experience sessions here.  

Have any other questions? Check out the LibLearnX 2024 website – https://2024.alaliblearnx.org/, especially their helpful FAQ page.  

Finally, to get a taste of LibLearnX, check out the recap video from last year’s conference! 

We’d love to hear from NMRT Members in the comments – have you ever attended LibLearnX? What speakers or programming would you be most interested to see at this (or a future!) LLX?

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New Members Round Table (NMRT) Service Could Be For You!

Are you looking to polish your resume OR are you interested in volunteering to review your colleagues’ resumes? Whether you need some resume assistance or want to provide this support as a volunteer, NMRT’s Resume Review Service may be for you!

I want to….
Have my resume reviewed!Serve as a resume reviewer!
Next step to have your resume reviewed:
Submit your resume/CV and a specific job description (if available) as an attachment to resumereviewnmrt@gmail.com 


Fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/J8bX3bfejeaEj3x47

Please note only ALA members are eligible for this service. To become a member of ALA or check your membership status, contact ALA Membership services at membership@ala.org.
Next step to become a resume reviewer:
Contact the NMRT Resume Review Service at resumereviewnmrt@gmail.com to volunteer!  
Please include the information listed below in the body of your email: 

Job Title/Position:
Library Type:
Area of Specialization (i.e., reference, cataloging, archives, children’s, etc.):
E-mail address:

We always seek to match a reviewer with someone from the same library type and specialization!

If you have any questions about becoming a reviewer or having your resume reviewed, please contact our committee at resumereviewnmrt@gmail.com.

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NMRT Member of the Month

Want to highlight an exceptional member of the New Members Round Table? Consider nominating yourself, a colleague, or student member for NMRT Member of the Month! Members of the Month will be featured in a blog post spotlight on NMRT Notes. To nominate yourself or someone else, please use our Google Form: https://forms.gle/CNq19h9XcX34BEh49

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NMRT Member of the Month Spotlight: Jay Williams

Our newest NMRT Member of the Month is Jay Williams! Jay (who uses they/them pronouns) is a Graduate Assistant in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Denver. They were nominated by their NMRT mentor, Morgan Brickey-Jones of the University of Texas at Arlington, who writes:

headshot of Jay Williams
Jay Williams

“Jay is currently in their last few semesters of library school and has been my mentee for the past six months. I’ve enjoyed meeting with Jay so much and their passion for library work- specifically archival work, is inspiring. Jay always comes to our meetings with questions and is always so engaged and interested in different aspects of libraries and professional development. Jay is an involved member of NMRT and is involved in their ALA student chapter at DU. I’m so happy I got to meet Jay and am excited to see their journey in libraries continue!”

Jay took time out of their busy school and work schedule to answer our questions about libraries, NMRT, and their dream job:

What are some things you like about your job or about working in libraries in general?

Libraries are one of the places that is open and welcome to all. I currently work for some of the public libraries in the Denver metro area and I love seeing the variety of folks come in with whatever they need. Whether it’s kids coming to the library after school, a language tutor is teaching someone, or someone just needs some place inside to spend their day, we are always welcoming. 

It has opened my eyes to all the resources that are available, not just for entertainment, but financial, legal, and civic services that are offered that hardly anyone knows about. I love talking these up so people have the opportunity to get what they need.

If you’re a library student, what is your dream job?

Currently, I am on track for digital archiving. My dream is to digitize materials for marginalized communities to create further accessibility to these materials and communities. I am lucky that I am also a graduate assistant for the University of Denver and get to live out some of my dream right now! I am working with Dr. Ruohua Han at the University of Denver to study mobile digitization units and (separately) look at DU’s archives to understand the experience of Chinese students here. I’m really enjoying seeing the history of the area and possible ways that we can make it come alive. 

What is one of your favorite things about NMRT?

I love the people I get to meet all over the country that are interested in the exact thing I am! Sometimes it can be difficult to explain to family or friends what is so crucial about what I do, and having a network of peers who support me is pretty incredible. I’m a part of the mentor program, working with the great Morgan Brickley-Jones and the folks over at UTA to help me stay on track of my goals inside and outside of school. Overall, I think library students should join because there are some great resources that could benefit everyone.

Thank you to Jay for the interview, and Morgan for the nomination. We look forward to Jay’s contributions to librarianship and digital scholarship!

Do you know an outstanding librarian or librarian-in-training? Submit a nomination using our online form. Self-nominations welcome!

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