NMRT Career Mentoring Program Accepting Applications

Are you new to the profession and looking to get the inside scoop on how the American Library Association (ALA), New Members Roundtable (NMRT), or the librarian profession works? Apply to be a mentee!

Do you have over 5 years of library experience and are looking for new ways to engage with other librarians? Use your wealth of knowledge to connect new librarians to their career path by applying to be a mentor!

NMRT Mentoring Committee is seeking both Mentors and Mentees for Career Mentoring from October 2018 to July 2019.

Membership in ALA is required, and NMRT membership is encouraged. Applications are due October 26, 2018, aiming to match pairs by the beginning of November.

You can fill out the application form here: https://goo.gl/forms/COBCMdPskH0ylVvo1 

On behalf of The NMRT Mentoring Committee

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Financing Your Professional Development as a Newbie Librarian

by Maddie Hines

When first getting into the library profession, a mentor once told me, “Go to everything, because you don’t know anything.” So, for my first three years in the field, I signed up for conferences, lectures, webinars, symposiums, you name it. I was constantly volunteering for stuff, while trying not to break the bank. If nothing else, we first-gen college students are a pack of persistent and relentless scavengers when it comes to resources and funding. 

Unless you’re already established within your field, most employers won’t outright pay for an expensive conference attendance (although many will pay for your membership fees). However, the old adage, “It doesn’t hurt to ask” always applies. Your employer may have excess money left over from the previous fiscal year or perhaps, deep in your organization’s policy manual exists information to help you bargain for funding for professional development. Sometimes organizations bank on employees not doing the work of filling out applications and getting approvals for special funding. Do the work. It will ALWAYS be worth it.

But, as we are mostly public servants, money can be tight and we can’t rely on our employers to finance our professional development. This is where grants come in. ALA.org has a nice list of grant funding available for all kinds of niche librarianship fields. But since this is the NMRT blog, I’ve curated a list for travel and professional development specifically for newbs like us. And because we’re all on deadlines, I’ve arranged the list by due date (you’re welcome)! So whether your goal is to attend ALA annual for the first time, or pursue a short fellowship, these grants are a great place to start.

Ebsco Midwinter Meeting Sponsorship

Award Amount: $1,500

Description: This annual award is designed to allow librarians to attend the ALA Midwinter Meeting

Eligibility: Must be ALA members, must currently work as a librarian or be a paraprofessional currently working in a library.

App Deadline: 11/01/2018


Louise Seaman Bechtel Fellowship

Award Amount: $4,000

Description: The Louise Seaman Bechtel Fellowship provides a $4,000 grant to a qualified children’s librarian to spend a total of four weeks or more reading and studying at the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature of the George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Eligibility: Must be a personal member of ALSC, have at least (8) years experience in direct service to children and a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program.

App Deadline: 11/01/2018


Baker & Taylor Conference Grant

Award Amount: $1,000

Description: The two grants of $1,000 each are funded by Baker & Taylor and are awarded to librarians who work for or directly with young adults in a public or school library or library agency to enable them to attend the Annual Conference for the first time.

Eligibility: All applicants must be current personal members of ALA/YALSA at the time the application is submitted.

App Deadline: 12/01/2018


Ebsco ALA Annual Conference Sponsorship

Award Amount: $1,000

Description: This annual award consisting of $1,000 for actual reimbursed expenses is designed to allow librarians to attend the ALA’s Annual Conference.

Eligibility: Applicant must be an ALA member. Applicants must not supervise another professional librarian (MLS).

App Deadline: 12/01/2018


First Step Award/Wiley Professional Development Grant

Award Amount: $1,500

Description: This Wiley Professional Development Grant is intended to provide librarians new to the continuing resources field with the opportunity to broaden their perspective and to encourage professional development in ALA Conference and participation in Continuing Resources Section activities. The cash award is applicable toward round trip transportation, lodging, registration fees, etc.

Eligibility: Open to ALCTS members with five years or less of professional experience in continuing resources and who have not attended a previous ALA Annual Conference.

App Deadline: 12/01/2018


Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Award

Award Amount: $1,250

Description: This grant, awarded by the ALCTS Preservation and Reformatting Section, is to provide librarians and paraprofessionals new to the preservation field with the opportunity to attend a professional conference and encourages professional development through active participation at the national level.

Eligibility: Have five or fewer years of experience in the field of library and archives preservation, currently work as a librarian or paraprofessional within a library or archives preservation department or who has preservation responsibilities within their institution, or a person currently enrolled in a preservation-related graduate program. Have never attended an ALA Annual Conference.

App Deadline: 12/01/2018


Mango NMRT Professional Development Grant

Award Amount: $1,000

Description: The purpose of the MANGO/NMRT Professional Development Grant (sponsored by Mango Languages) is to encourage professional development and participation by new ALA members in national ALA and NMRT activities.

Eligibility: Applicants must be personal ALA/NMRT members who are working within the continental United States.

App Deadline: 12/15/2018


Bogle Pratt International Travel Fund

Award Amount: $1,000

Description: An award of $1,000 is given to an ALA personal member to attend their first international conference.

Eligibility: Recipients must be personal members of the American Library Association (ALA) for at least one full year.

App Deadline: 01/01/2019


About the BRASS Academic Business Librarianship Travel Award

Award Amount: $1250

Description: Established in 2012, this award presents a citation and $1,250 to an individual new to the field of academic business librarianship in order to support attendance to the ALA Annual Conference.

Eligibility: The winner does not need to be a member of ALA, RUSA, or BRASS but preference will be given to those that are, indeed members

App Deadline: 01/06/2019


Brass Public Librarian Support Award

Award Amount: $1,250

Description: This annual award sponsored by Morningstar, offers a cash award of $1,250* in travel funds for a public librarian, who has performed outstanding business reference service, and who requires financial assistance, to attend the ALA Annual Conference.

Eligibility: The candidate must be a member of ALA. If not a RUSA/BRASS member, the recipient must join RUSA/BRASS upon being selected to receive the award.

  • The recipient shall have a demonstrated interest in providing business reference services. This may be demonstrated by involvement in special projects, creation of a business website, business-related programming, publications, and related activities.
  • The award will be given to a recipient whose conference attendance is not fully funded by their institution.
  • Recipient must be willing to participate in BRASS activities at the ALA Conference for which the award has been made and to write a short statement regarding his or her experience at the conference for publication (e.g. RUSA Update) following the event

App Deadline: 01/15/2019

Maddie Hines
Digital Services Manager
Prince George’s County Memorial Library System

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NMRT Accepting Nominations for Open Positions

NMRT offers training, leadership opportunities, and a wide variety of programs on then national, state and local levels to assist, encourage, and educate those new to the association and the profession. Now is the opportunity for you or a librarian you know to take a leadership role in that mission!

The NMRT Board needs nominations for the three open positions, Secretary, Vice-President/President-Elect, and Leadership Development Director on its 2018-2019 election slate. The terms-of-office, attendance obligations, and responsibilities vary between the positions. Read more about the officer positions that will be available for 2018-2019 here:



Leadership Development Director

Anyone interested in either nominating someone or nominating themselves should complete the nomination form by October 5, 2018. That form can be found here: https://aladsr.directnominations.net/Account/Login.

If you scroll down, the NMRT ballot is #72. Questions about the nomination and election process? Please contact Abigail Phillips (Nominating Committee Chair) with any questions at NMRTNominations@gmail.com.

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NMRT Networking Matters Webinar: 8/30

An important element in achieving career success is being well connected. This
means building a strong network of peers and colleagues, within and outside
libraries, who can support you and ultimately your library once you are
employed. Join Kim Bolan Cullin, Library Evolutionist and President of
Kimberly Bolan and Associates, to learn the keys to building positive and
professional relationships to help you succeed now and into the future.

About Kimberly Bolan Cullin:

Kimberly (Kim) Bolan Cullin, is an experienced librarian, consultant, and
author with a broad background in libraries. She is a “library evolutionist”
and the president of Kimberly Bolan & Associates, LLC a library consulting
firm established by Kim in 2004. Kim and her firm have consulted with hundreds
of public, school, and academic libraries across the United States and abroad
specializing in forward-thinking space planning and interior design,
transformation in library services, and strategic planning. Before starting
her consulting business, Kim was a librarian in New York State. She is a
Library Journal recognized “Mover & Shaker”, has published three books and
numerous journal articles, and is a frequent speaker at state and national

Registration Below:

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May NMRT Online Discussion Board Article: Ways to Develop Your Leadership Skills

By Jessica Kiebler

Hello readers, my name is Jessica Kiebler and I am writing as a member of the NMRT Online Discussion Forum Committee to provide you with an update from our May discussion, hosted on the NMRT-L listserv.

May’s discussion topic focused on identifying qualities that are important to library leaders as well as sharing the strategies and resources for librarians can use to develop those skills.

The discussion questions encouraged sharing resources as well as personal experiences from both seasoned and newer library leaders about the ways they have developed their skills as leaders.

  1. What are the most important skills for library leaders to possess?
  2. How can librarians (new or seasoned) develop leadership skills in their current roles?
  3. What are the best resources you have used to hone your leadership skills?

What makes someone a leader?

There were many suggestions as to what qualities are important for library leaders to possess:

  • Having a vision
  • Time management
  • Active listening
  • Effective communication
  • The ability to build/work with a team
  • Passion/Drive
  • Self-awareness

The month’s discussion highlighted the need to know what your mission is for whatever team, project or library that you are guiding. Even if you are a solo librarian, there may be board members, stakeholders and those in the community that you are working with to move the library forward. If you work in a team of librarians, you must work together, along with various stakeholders, to lead your library to success.

A leader’s vision should be guided by the needs of patrons and those we serve so active listening is an important leadership quality to truly hear and understand what they need. Another component to crafting that vision is to have be self-aware of your strengths and incorporate them into a personal mission statement for yourself as a leader. Being self-aware can allow you to be open to seeing the strengths in others and empowering them to use those strengths to accomplish your library’s goals.

And sharing your vision with others is not just about delegating tasks but creating a team. To illustrate that point, a quote by filmmaker, Brett Culp, was shared: “Leadership is inviting people on a mission to do something extraordinary together.”

The discussion also touched on the misconception that introverts are not well-suited to be leaders. While introverts may be seen as quiet and adverse to teamwork, that is not the case. Librarians shared their personal stories of being introverted leaders who are confident, effective communicators who enjoy working in a team but may not exhibit traditional extrovert traits. Resources on introverted leadership were shared as well and can be found below.

Be a committee leader

One way to start on your journey to being a leader is to participate in library committee work. Whether it is internal to your institution or an external state/national committee, serving on a committee can provide opportunities to learn by example from committee leaders, see how the library community works together and practice leadership skills in a group. By watching other leaders, you can also see a variety of leadership styles to determine your leadership style. There is no one-size fits all leadership approach!

Some of the most important leadership skills that can be gained through committee work are time management, organization and teamwork. In order to work with others (especially virtually!), balance various commitments and attend meetings, these skills are essential. Reading the New Member’s Round Table Blog and signing up for the listserv are great ways to stay up to date on committee opportunities and get to know other library leaders.

Learn & lead where you are

You can also lead where you are! A few responses discussed how librarians can be empowered within their current roles by taking on responsibilities that require leadership skills such as leading a task force, chairing a committee or even just taking the lead on a project. Some organizations may offer optional training on leadership which can serve as an opportunity for new leaders to understand the traits, skills and behaviors to be successful in that type of role.

Leaders must be also be effective learners, always taking in new ideas and perspectives, which is a natural fit for those in the library profession!

Resources Shared

Gallup Strengths Finder 2.0
San Jose University’s “Day in the Life of a Leader” Webinar Series
Book: The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength by Jennifer B. Kahnweiler
Books: Harvard Business Review series

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NMRT Student Chapter Toolkit

The ALA New Members Roundtable is pleased to present the NMRT Student Chapter Toolkit, which was created to help students develop and improve important career skills. The virtual toolkit can be used by students and ALA Student Chapters to aid in professional development and navigating challenges of early career library professionals.

The NMRT Student Chapter Toolkit includes multimedia resources on the topics of “ALA 101,” “New to the Job,” “Networking,” and “Career Advice.” This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The toolkit was created by the 2018 Emerging Leaders Team H (Adam Chang, Jewel Davis, Mea Warren, Elspeth Olson, Samantha Quiñon, and Philip Carter).

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NMRT ALA Conference Orientation

When: Friday, June 22, 2018 from 1-2:30 pm

Where: Morial Convention Center, Rm 279-280

What: New to ALA or the Annual Conference? Join us for an introduction to the Conference, ALA’s structure, and The Big Easy (New Orleans). Learn how to navigate the exhibit hall, decipher the program’s sessions, meet peers and colleagues from around the world, learn about opportunities included in your membership, and most importantly, discover where to spend your free time this weekend. We’ll be joined by a panel of veteran conference attendees with tips and tricks for making the most of your conference experience.

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Join us at NMRT’s Annual Social!

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Call for Volunteers – NMRT ALA 101 Task Force

NMRT is collaborating with ALA’s Membership Development Office to put together a resource called ALA 101, and we need NMRT members to help us! We’re putting together a task force of 4-8 members to outline the content for bite-sized resources in various formats (maybe videos, handouts, a website presence, etc.) that address some of the most common questions about ALA and how to get involved. This is your chance to get creative! Do we need interviews? A Q&A page? Infographics? We’re open to ideas!

If you’re interested in working on a team to develop the ideas for this resource, consider applying to be on this task force by June 8th. We’ll submit some ideas by the end of July to see how much they cost to have professionally produced and submit official proposals by the end of September!

Apply at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/boxIpMx5OSmHgjTv2

Have questions? Feel free to email Mandi at a.goodsett@csuohio.edu. Thanks for considering applying to be part of this project!

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Reminder: New Members Round Table Volunteer Application Now Open

Do you need professional development experience to further your career? Would committee experience help you get on other committees that you really want to be part of?

Consider volunteering with New Members Round Table (NMRT).

One of the ways that NMRT helps those new to ALA get involved is by guaranteeing any member who would like to gain committee experience a spot on a NMRT committee. Volunteering for a NMRT committee is good opportunity for those without much committee experience. All of the committees work to further the mission of NMRT and volunteers play a vital role in keeping NMRT running smoothly.

Take a look at the committee list, find one that sounds interesting to you, and complete the volunteer applicationApplications will be accepted through July 5th. Appointments will be made in July.

If you have any questions about committees or applying to volunteer, please contact Nicole Spoor, NMRT Vice-President, at nicolespoor@gmail.com.

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