February 2019 NMRT Live Chat – Online Discussion

NMRT February Online Discussion: Presenting at Conferences

The February discussion focused on a topic that can strike either fear or excitement into any librarian: presenting at a conference. Public speaking is frequently said to be one of the biggest fears that people have and that is no exception to librarians. But conference presentations don’t have to be scary or stressful. Participants were asked to focus on their experiences presenting and providing suggestions for becoming a confident presenter. There was plenty of advice given that can be used by beginners and seasoned presenters alike.

Finding Where to Present

Before you can actually be a presenter, you’ll want to find a situation where you can actually present! But remember that presentations aren’t something you can only do at conferences – there are plenty of opportunities to get started in your own library. Whether it is doing a presentation at your staff development day or presenting on something during a staff meeting – these are great places to get started and to build foundational presentation skills.

If you are ready to branch outside of your library, the best place to start looking for opportunities is within your own local or state library association. You can also try for other user groups that exist in your area.

Listservs and other electronic mailing lists shouldn’t be overlooked either. There are plenty of opportunities that come across on these lists. Sign up for some that are of interest to you and take the time to check out all of the different calls for speakers that are put out there.

Don’t forget to tap your peers for suggestions particularly those who have presented before as they may be aware of opportunities near you that you may not have heard of.

Power of the Poster Session

Poster sessions are a much smaller scale way to get into presenting. They generally involve a poster of a specific project or topic as a visual aid and explaining to curious conference goers what your project was about. These will involve small groups of people which is a great way to get used to talking in front of others. It is also far less formal so you can choose to have an “elevator pitch” ready to go on your poster or you can make it free form and invite people to ask questions. Posters can also be presented with more than one person which can take some of the pressure off of you.

Lightning Talks

Another alternative to doing a full presentation is doing a lightning talk. These are a relatively common event that happens at conferences where a number of speakers do a very short talk on a topic. The length is roughly 5-10 minutes which means you don’t have to prepare a lot of material and it is a great way to break into doing something more “formal” than a poster, but with much less pressure than a full 45+ minute presentation. It’s a great way to test the waters.

Choosing a Topic

For any type of presentation, it should go without saying that you should pick a topic you are comfortable with and enthusiastic about. Getting ready for a presentation is much easier when you care about the topic and how you feel about your topic will be evident when you are presenting. It will also serve to alleviate some of your nerves. The better you know your topic, the more prepared you will feel.

This is definitely true for a presentation that will have a question and answer section at the end or if you’ll be involved in a panel discussion. You never know what someone is going to ask and the uncertainty of that can be extremely stressful, but it helps to boost your confidence if you know and like your topic.

Working with Others and Practicing

Practicing your presentation with others is a great way to feel more prepared come presentation day. Whether you are practicing with a group of colleagues, friends, or family, having anyone available to listen to you can help you become more comfortable speaking in front of others. Those who listen can point out things you might be doing wrong or notice areas in your presentation that need more work.

You can also choose to team up with a more experienced presentation partner. Presenting with someone else or in a group can ease the burden of getting used to presenting. The amount of  information you have to present will generally be less than if you were presenting alone which means less to remember. Plus, a more experienced presentation partner can help you with your preparation and even your speaking technique to help build your confidence and prepare you for the future.

Librarianship is a field known for professionals who are willing to help each other out so there is never any harm in reaching out to others for help.

While breaking into presenting can be scary, it is definitely a worthwhile experience. Not only do you get to build your own skills as a speaker, but you get to make connections by meeting new people. And you get the chance to share your knowledge and experience with others. You never know who might be inspired by what you have to say. It’s a great way to give back to the library world.

Submitted by Elayna Turner

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Deadline Approaching! Submit your article to Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table

The NMRT Endnotes Committee seeks contributors for the Spring 2019 issue of Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table.

Endnotes is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes articles of interest to early career librarians (including LIS students, recent graduates and newer members of the Association).  

Current LIS students and recent graduates are particularly encouraged to submit manuscripts for consideration.

? Why should I publish?

Publishing with Endnotes is an accessible way for any early career librarian (including LIS students, recent graduates, and newer members of the Association) to gain experience publishing in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal.

[W]hile seeking my MLIS… [a] professor offered to take a class paper and co-author with myself and my group partner.  This experience has not only informed my professional and publishing career as an Academic Librarian but gave me confidence to apply for jobs with scholarly research expectations. – Tina Budzise-Weaver, published in Endnotes 2016

This has been such a great experience for me. You have all been extremely helpful and encouraging. I appreciate all the time you have taken to read my work and all the feedback you have given. I am sure it will help me throughout my professional career. I will definitely recommend this to everyone I meet looking for a way to begin pursuing publication in the LIS field!  - Brady Lund, published in Endnotes 2017

[B]eing able to publish my first article while still in graduate school was an unbelievable confidence booster. To go through the process of peer review, and to feel so supported by the editorial staff, makes me want to continue to publish for the rest of my career.. – Kim Myers, published in Endnotes 2016

? Should I submit my article to Endnotes?

Articles should range from 2,000 – 4,000 words and be relevant to LIS students and new library professionals.  Endnotes welcomes research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, case studies, and literature reviews (more information on these types is available in our complete submission guidelines).

Those interested in discussing an article idea are encouraged to contact the Editors at nmrtendnotesjournal@gmail.com to determine if the proposal fits the publication’s scope.  Topics that might be appropriate for Endnotes include, but are not limited to:

  • Training and mentoring
  • Job searching or hiring
  • Developing leadership and management skills
  • Library instruction and assessment
  • Librarian responsibilities: hiring, promotion, and tenure
  • Developing new collections or services

Current LIS students and recent graduates may find inspiration by reading “Upcycling MSLS Coursework into Publishable Content”, a 2014 Endnotes article.  The Endnote Editors are also glad to provide mentorship and support for your article development process.

? How do I submit my article to Endnotes?

You simply send your submission to the Endnote Editors at nmrtendnotesjournal@gmail.com. Submissions are accepted throughout the year, but articles received by April 5, 2019 will receive guaranteed consideration for the Spring 2018 issue.

? Is there something shorter than an article I can write?

Endnotes also publishes reviews for books or websites. Interested reviewers can submit a book or website review to the Endnote Editors at nmrtendnotesjournal@gmail.com no later than April 5, 2019.

For more information about Endnotes, including complete submission guidelines & previous issues, please visit ala.org/rt/nmrt/about-endnotes-committee.  Please feel free to contact Endnotes Editors with any questions.

Submitted by

Megan P. Smith & Kim Looby

Chairs, NMRT Endnotes Committee



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NMRT 2019-2020 Candidates: NMRT Councilor

NMRT Councilor

For more information on this position, please visit: Duties of ALA Councilors

Candidate Christina Rodriques

Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?

I would like to serve as a NMRT Councilor because I believe the newest generation of librarians will empower ALA to grow and succeed. As a NMRT Councilor I will bring the voices of NMRT members and young library professionals like myself to the table. I have served NMRT for more than four years as a member, Committee Chair and Executive Board member. I understand the goals of our round table and am committed to representing our interests. As current Chair of the ALA Membership Committee, I’m focused on attracting and engaging members and bringing about changes that ALA members want and need from our association. As Outreach Manager at OCLC I have developed strong communication and diplomacy skills and have experience working with a diverse governing body. I believe these skills, along with my interests in membership, library advocacy and pathways for LIS students and young professionals will make me an excellent NMRT Councilor.

Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?

In my current role as Outreach Manager for Member Relations at OCLC, I work with a diverse group of members from all library types and regions around the globe. These members make up the OCLC Global and Regional Councils who help govern the cooperative. I also work with emerging leaders from developing countries through the IFLA/OCLC Fellowship program and my team works closely with LIS schools across the country to increase awareness of OCLC and larger library trends. I understand how to effectively communicate our interests while still being respectful of other’s viewpoints. I believe the key to accomplishing our goals is by working together. This understanding and skill set will allow me to serve NMRT and be successful in this role.

Question 3: What do you hope to learn if elected?

If elected as NMRT Councilor I hope to learn how to most effectively bring the voices of NMRT members to the table while also learning from more experienced council members. If elected, I will work to ensure ALA sees NMRT as a driving force for opportunity, change and innovation for its members.

Question 4: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?

NMRT is very much aligned with my passion for helping people and providing opportunities for early career librarians and LIS students to get involved and grow in their careers. That passion will ensure that my NMRT council work is a top priority. As a highly organized and action-oriented individual, I work hard to achieve my goals. I also know that no one can accomplish anything alone. By collaborating with my fellow councilmembers and drawing upon each person’s strengths, we’ll accomplish our goals and make a real impact for NMRT.

Candidate Arieh Ress

Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?

I have been fortunate to attend the ALAAC every year since graduating (though one year I attended mid-winter instead of annual) and I have benefited greatly by doing so. The conferences taught me a lot about library life and work, and I am in my current position because I had an on-the-spot interview in the job area of ALAAC2015. The networking has been invaluable, the panels, lectures and discussions have opened my horizons to new ideas, and it is always interesting to see what is going on at the ALA Membership Meeting which I’ve attended every year.

All this is to say that I have enjoyed participating in the conference and have benefited from ALA for years, and I would like to give back. While I have participated in the Membership Meetings, I would like to take my participation to the next level. Additionally, I know that such a massive conference can be daunting to newcomers, and I appreciate what NMRT does to welcome them and get them acclimated. I have both a good amount of experience with ALA, and a lot yet to learn, and it would make me proud to represent an organization that works to ensure new members stay members and get involved in the organization and its conferences!

Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?

I have an eclectic work history, which is heavy on customer service. My undergraduate degree in philosophy was really a study in problem solving and critical thinking. I have grown up spending time in New York City, but also in rural areas across the country with and without electricity. My mother is an actress, a teacher and a storyteller and I have given presentations ranging from Model UN in high-school to past ALAAC’s and other conferences, as well as two different universities in China.

What I bring to the table is a history of interacting with wildly different types of people, in a wide range of settings, a thirst for discussion and debate, problem solving training and a history of public speaking and authorship. Bringing these skills to the table, I will do my best to be a voice for NMRT and its members while seeking equitable solutions to what issues may arise.

Question 3: What do you hope to learn if elected?

I am always looking to learn and grow, which is part of what keeps bringing me back to ALAACs. I would like to learn more about the processes that allow the organization to stay current, useful and fluid in a field that is undergoing exceptional levels of change at the moment. I am always seeking new ways to improve upon my own library – and my librarianship – which means staying on top of what the top organizations in the field are up to. How better to do that than to represent one of the largest round tables at the American Library Association?

Question 4: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?

I would add a repeating check in notification at least once a week to remind me to make sure I am keeping on top of my duties, and schedule blocks in my calendar for when there are things I need to take care of. I am largely nocturnal so there are several hours a night in which I can work, distraction free, and with the Google Suite and Dropbox I can work virtually from almost anywhere.

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Alternative Voices: Jamia Williams

The Alternative Voices Feature is brought to you by the NMRT’s Membership, Diversity, Promotion, and Recruitment committee. It is meant to give a platform to the voices of librarians from underrepresented communities in the library field. The format of the feature is a journalistic question and answer format. It provides information that the librarian wants people to know about them, plus their thoughts on the current state of the field of librarianship.

Jamia Williams

Jamia Williams

Name – Jamia Williams

Contact Information – Ph: 315-464-7196

City & State – Syracuse, NY

Position Title – Librarian and Diversity Fellow

Length of time in the library field – 7 months

Tell us a little bit about your background. Where did you attend college? What degrees do you have? What programs (undergraduate or graduate) prepared you for your current position? Tell us about your position and what you do? What is your definition of diversity, or equity or inclusion?

I was born and raised in Rochester, New York. Therefore, I was a product of the Urban Suburban program so this urban girl started attending school in one of Rochester’s suburbs Wheatland-Chili from 5th grade to the 12th grade. This experience was interesting and unique. One day I have to put this experience in my autobiography. I am a graduate of the State University of New York at Brockport. During my time at SUNY Brockport, I majored in history where I received a Bachelor of Science degree. I graduated with a Master of Library Science from North Carolina Central University; my concentration was in academic librarianship.  Getting my degree from NCCU improved my presentation skills and sharpened my leadership abilities so that I can be a better colleague. Currently, I am employed at Upstate Medical University’s Health Sciences Library. I am the librarian and diversity fellow.

I love the analogy that I heard about diversity and inclusion. Diversity is asking someone to attend a party but inclusion is asking that person to dance at the party.  Therefore, I would say that equity is assessing whether or not the person can get to the party and not just assuming that a person has a way to get to the party. Then whatever actions need to take place to get the person to the party needs to happen. Lastly, an assessment of their dancing experience needs to occur so they can truly be a part of the dance.

What drew you to a career as a librarian and what is your current role?

My current role is librarian and diversity fellow. My journey started in 2005 when I was in the senior year of my undergraduate program. The first career idea that came to my mind that I wanted to pursue once I was done with school was librarianship. So I began looking for job opportunities then I realized to my surprise that librarians needed their Master’s degree. Unfortunately, I was fearful of taking the GRE and I knew that I needed to take this exam to get into a graduate program. As a result of this fear, it robbed me of many years of pursuing my dream career. The other career option that I wanted to pursue was social work or case management so I began working in the human services field then after gaining years of experience I became a case manager.  Even though I loved working in this field, I kept having this nagging feeling that I could and should be a librarian. I am proud to say that I gathered the money and the courage to take the GRE and I applied to two graduate programs. The first program that I applied to did not accept me which fed into my fear of failure.  But I did not lose all hope and I waited for my response from NCCU and I was glad to receive my acceptance email from the institution. I am being vulnerable in telling my story so that others can be encouraged. Furthermore, I want my colleagues to understand that my path to librarianship is not a traditional route.

This is my dream come true and I am glad to finally be apart of a profession that has so many dynamic people in it.  My draw to this profession was the ability to help others on various levels. I get to assist my colleagues, students, and faculty on a daily basis. The feeling that I get from being apart of someone’s success is pure joy.

Before you became a librarian, what were you thinking about doing professionally or academically?

Before, I became a librarian I was torn between being a social worker or being a lawyer.  Both of these professions I felt were advocacy roles. I love advocating for underserved and marginalized people in our society.  So, I am happy to know that even in librarianship there is a social justice piece involved. I love that I am gaining momentum on advocacy and social justice work in librarianship. One day I do want to obtain a law degree.

How are you becoming or staying in involved with the wider profession?

Currently, I am involved statewide and nationwide in the profession. I am a member of the New York Library Association; I serve on the board as one of the directors on the Academic and Special Libraries Section of NYLA.  Being a part of this section is a wonderful opportunity because I get to be involved with librarians from different types of libraries statewide.  Also, I am a member of the programs and proposals team of the Association of College and Research Libraries Residency Interest Group (RIG). Being a part of RIG is a great connection because I get to meet residents and fellows throughout the country that are working in similar career positions like myself.

Lastly, I am trying to build my network of medical librarians since I would like to work at a health sciences library once I finish my fellowship. I watch at least one webinar weekly that sharpens my skills and educates me on a topic that I am not knowledgeable about. Additionally, I attend local workshops and conferences. I attended my first national conference, which was ALA Mid-Winter 2019. Being a part of Twitter was a wise decision on my part, #librarytwitter is informative and motivating. Moreover, various types of librarians throughout the USA and Canada inspire me.

What advice would you give to new librarians from underrepresented groups?

Try to join as many interest groups as possible, your voice is needed. You deserve a seat at the table. Furthermore, there are so many librarians in our profession that enjoy sharing their stories and information on how to survive in this field. Finally, listen and ask questions as much as possible.

When you were growing up, did you feel that the libraries accurately reflected the community you lived in?

I think the libraries in my community growing up did reflect my community well. The programming catered to our needs. Plus, I noticed that the hours of some of our public libraries began to change once it was realized how many of us did not have computers at home. This awareness was key to me and other children school survival.

How do you think the field will change most dramatically in the next several years?

I think the field will change most dramatically in the next several years due to the speed of changing technology.  It is as if once we master a concept something else comes along so we have to be open and accepting of change.  Also, the individuals that I met at the 2018 University of Greensboro’s Diversity Institute are world changers who do not mind collaborating to get things done in our profession.  So watch out library world, we are here!

What’s been your most valuable experience at your employer so far, and why?

The most valuable experience at my employer has been meeting Twanna Hodge. She inspires me daily and is a great force of nature. The connections that I have made due to Twanna nudging me along has been priceless. I am wiser about our profession because of her being in my life.

Do you have a blog/website?

Yes, I have a blog. My website address is https://diversityfellow.wordpress.com/.  Please read my blog entries and tell me what you think.


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Webinar: Special Library Job Opportunities

February 20, 2019 11:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this webinar:

Join us to learn why special libraries are so special! Thinking
of working in a special library? Need more details on what it means to work in
a special library? Join Meredith P. Goins, MIS from Oak Ridge Associated
Universities (ORAU) to learn more on what employers are looking for, places to
look for job openings, as well as the myriad of skills required to be a part
of a special library team.

Webinar Speaker: Meredith P. Goins

Meredith P.  Goins is the Group Manager for Research & Evaluation in the
Scientific Assessment and Workforce Development program at Oak Ridge
Associated Universities (ORAU).  ORAU is a consortium of more than 100
universities that provides innovative scientific and technical solutions for
the U.S. Department of Energy and other federal agencies to advance national
priorities in science, health and education.

She manages two teams:
1. Research Services which identifies and recruits subject matter
experts (SME) to serve as reviewers for merit reviews by utilizing an internal
database and tools such as Pivot, Scopus, Web of Science and social media
2. Assessment & Evaluation which evaluates national and international
STEM focused programs, processes and services focusing specifically on
federally-funded programs and services at national laboratories and at

Register in advance for this sure to be useful webinar!

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January 2019 NMRT Live Chat – Online Discussion

The discussion this January centered around applying and interviewing for library positions. No matter where a library employee is in their career cycle, applications and interviewing are a common theme. Whether it is a new graduate applying for their first job, an established library worker looking to move to another position, or a hiring librarian interviewing potential employees, the application and interviewing process can often be stressful. However, fellow library workers are often a great source of knowledge and encouragement.

Applying for Your First Position

Discussion members recollected their first experiences applying and interviewing for libraries, noting lessons they learned during the process. One of the most common themes was that of patience. Regardless of when or where the applicants applied, the majority noted that it is often a long, involved process that involves changing your expectations on job positions. Many also noted that rejection is part of the application process, and to keep perspective when you don’t receive the job you wanted. Persistence was the second major theme to the discussion. Many members noted that it took a long time to find a position that worked for both them and the interviewing library.

Doing your research ahead of time was also suggested. Examining both the library and its parent organization, such as a city or university, is suggested not only to get a better idea of the job, but also if it is a good fit for you. Reaching out to fellow library workers is also suggested. Mentors or library management can help a new applicant review and revise their resume, or give them suggestions for interviews. Lastly, enthusiasm and personality have been deciding factors in the hiring process. Ensuring you present a positive but accurate demeanor for your interviewers can make the difference between receiving a job and a rejection letter.

On the Other Side – Being the Interviewer

A few of the discussion members were kind enough to share their stories of being the interviewer in the application process. Interviewers commented that there can be many reasons a person was not hired, and applicants should not be discouraged if they are not chosen. The theme of researching an institution ahead of time was emphasized again, with one mentioning the library’s mission statement in particular. Having prior knowledge of the library you are interviewing at shows initiative and professionalism. It was also mentioned more than once that interviewers are often looking to see if an applicant will fit into the library culture, not just if they know the mechanics of the job. Customizing both your cover letter and resume to each individual position is also highly recommended by the discussion members. Preparing questions particular to the position and library ahead of time is also suggested.

Applying Internally

Applying internally at an institution you already work at can have its own set of benefits and complications. Discussion members noted that competing against your coworkers can often be tricky and uncomfortable if not handled correctly. Remaining professional in the face of these uncomfortable situations should be a priority, as well as maintaining good relations before and after the interview. Members also reminded applicants to hold internal applications and interviews to the same standard as outside applications and interviews. Remember to craft a personalized cover letter and resume even if the interviewers known you and your work personally, and try to find something that will set you apart from other internal applicants. As with the external interviewing process, discussion members reminded applicants to not be discouraged by rejection.

Applying and Interviewing at Different Types of Libraries

The application and interviewing process can differ widely between public, academic, and special libraries. While there were few special libraries mentioned in the discussion, discussion members analyzed the differences between the public and academic library application process. Both interview processes usually started with some form of phone or video interview before inviting applicants to interview in person. Many noted that public library interviews can vary widely, tending toward more informal than academic, and public libraries usually do not require a lengthy interview process over an entire day. If applying for a children’s librarian position, applicants may be required to do mock storytime for interviewers. In contrast, academic libraries often have a full-day interview process that may involve an entire committee of interviewers and meals. With both interview processes, it was mentioned that going to the library in question ahead of time to review the library before the interview, and gather specific questions to ask the interviewers. This is also a chance to observe staff, which can give you a sense for the culture of a library.

Emerging Trends in Library Positions

Requirements for library positions have changed significantly over the years with the emergence of new technologies and changing cultural landscapes. Discussion members mentioned several trends, including a need for technology skills, adaptability on the job, supervisory experience, a second Masters for academic librarianship, and project management skills. Also noted was an emerging trend to drop the MLS as a requirement for librarian positions, or to accept experience in other areas as an equivalent qualifier.

The Changing Landscape

While many discussion members noted the difficulties of applying and interviewing for librarian positions, the majority of them were also positive about the future of librarianship and their own personal careers. Several noted that while the application and interviewing process can be strenuous, they each eventually found the right job for them, and those who are still searching are hopeful about their prospects. Despite the changing requirements for library positions, such as technological or supervisory skills, discussion members noted that adaptability is key to landing the right position.

What has been your experience when applying and interviewing in libraries? What do you see in the future of librarianship?

Submitted by Katie Wheeler

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Get to know ALA:

Jayne Blodgett
James A. Michener Library
Assistant Dean (University of Northern Colorado)
Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)
CLS Communication and Membership Committee Chair

Jayne Blodgett

Describe how long you have been on the committee and what initially interested you in joining.

I have been on the committee for a little over a year. I was interested in CLS because although I work at a doctoral granting university, we have a strong commitment to undergraduate success, which corresponds well to CLS. I also believe it is important to participate in committee work at the national level to develop a more complete understanding of the profession and the work being done by ALA. Chairing a subcommittee also seemed like work that I could do after having served on a state ACRL board.

What is the most engaging part of the work you do as part of your committee?

I enjoy the communication between committee members. Most members are assigned some sort of task (maintaining the blog, updating social media, etc.), so we all work independently. However, there are often times where someone will need assistance with something, so we’ll have an interesting email exchange or phone call. It’s a been a great way to get to know folks from a variety of institutions in diverse fields of librarianship.

What recommendations would you have for a new ALA member who is unsure about how to get involved?

One of the best pieces of advice I was given as a new librarian was to “just say yes,” so in this case, I think the best way to get involved is to volunteer to serve on a committee that interests you. In my experience there is always work to be done!

How do you balance committee work with your current library position?

Luckily for me, the other members of the committee are really dedicated and have taken on much of the day-to-day work like posting to social media, so my work load hasn’t been affected too much. There are certain times, like when the newsletter is due, that are busier than other times, but overall, I find it relatively easy to balance the workload.

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NMRT 2019-2020 Candidates : Leadership Development Director

NMRT Candidate Q & A – Annice Sevett

Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?

NMRT presents a wonderful opportunity for new ALA members and those new to the profession to get involved in the organization. One of the many beneficial aspects of NMRT that I found invaluable when I was entering the profession was the opportunities for professional leadership, especially through committee work. As the Leadership Development Director, I will work to make sure these opportunities are available and communicated to members. I want to help members understand the value of professional leadership and encourage them to take on positions and opportunities for professional development and leadership. After being on many NMRT and PLA committees and enjoying the work I have done, I would like to continue my involvement with NMRT by serving our members on the board.

Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?

I have served on numerous NMRT committees since 2013, including the Annual Conference Professional Development Award Committee and the Online Discussion Forum Committee, two committees that the Leadership Development Director oversees. Currently, I am a co-chair of the Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee and serve on a PLA committee. The variety of committees I have served on and chaired has given me experience working within NMRT and other divisions within ALA. The experience of serving on a variety of committees will be very beneficial for serving on the NMRT board as I understand the duties, benefits, and challenges of serving on and chairing committees. The skills I have gained throughout my time on committees translate well into being successful in a board position.

I am currently the Assistant Library Director for a small public library, focusing on overall operations and adult services. Previously, I worked at two different public libraries as a reference librarian. The experience working within three different library systems has provided me insight into professional development and skills in working with all types of professionals. As a supervisor in libraries, I have always encouraged my employees to seek professional leadership opportunities and have given them the time to do so. Through my professional work, I have learned time management and communication skills that will benefit NMRT.

Question 3: As Leadership Development Director (more information), you will oversee the activities of committees that support & encourage professional leadership in NMRT members. What do you believe are three biggest challenges that new librarians face when taking on a leadership role, and why? How will you work to develop leadership skills of NMRT members?

I believe that the three biggest challenges that new librarians face when taking on a leadership role are communication, lack of experience (perceived and/or actual), and organizational structure.

  1. Communication – Communication starts with the knowledge of opportunities. This is something I believe NMRT can be better at, and something I hope to highlight as the Leadership Development Director. Many members are unaware of the opportunities that NMRT presents. Once in a leadership role, communication with the board can be intimidating. When I first began chairing committees, I was afraid to ask questions and highlight the work we were doing. As the Leadership Development Director, I will work with my committee chairs and other leaders to encourage communication from all members and value the openness and feedback that is being given.
  2. Lack of Experience – Lack of experience is something that holds back many individuals from applying for leadership positions and, once in a position, can limit one’s confidence to speak out for fear of not being heard. I hope to address this by creating a culture of openness and encouraging everyone to get involved and start their professional leadership journey, wherever they see themselves fitting in. I will encourage participation in NMRT discussions, NMRT committee work, and other avenues NMRT provides to give a voice to all our members.
  3. Organizational Structure – New leaders are often confused about the organizational structure and where they fit in NMRT. This often holds individuals back from really excelling in their positions and can be an intimidating factor in applying for positions. As Leadership Development Director, I will work to make the NMRT structure more transparent and available to all members, so that if and when they choose to get more involved, they are familiar with the way the organization works. Since NMRT works very similar to ALA and other ALA divisions, this knowledge will serve members as they move on from NMRT.

I hope to use my experience and skills in this position to address these three issues, as well as others that may come up during my term.

Question 4: What do you hope to learn if elected?

I hope to learn from the NMRT members I will interact with as the Leadership Development Director. Members provide important information about the roundtable and help shape the priorities of the board. I also hope to learn more about the workings of NMRT and how I can best serve our members in this role.

Question 5: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?

I plan to use a few different time management skills to ensure that my NMRT duties will be a priority. I will set deadlines for important work, and ensure that these deadlines are met. I am known to be a maker of lists, and I will use lists for my NMRT work. This will help me keep up with my responsibilities and ensure they remain a priority. I will also maintain communication with the committees I oversee and the other NMRT board members to make myself available and able to help if needed.This communication will make me aware of any questions or concerns and I will be able to address them in a timely manner. I will set aside specific time in my schedule to work on NMRT responsibilities when needed, understanding that I may need to rearrange a few priorities to ensure the duties are complete.

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NMRT 2019-2020 Candidates : Vice-President/President-Elect

ALA elections are here and this year NMRT is electing a Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Leadership Development Director. Below, our candidate for VP/President-Elect answers a few questions about their plans for the position. More information on these positions can be found here.

NMRT Candidate Q & A – Jennifer Wilhelm

Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?

I became an ‘official librarian’ in the fall of 2015, and immediately signed up to volunteer with ALA. I’m one of those odd ducks who enjoys committee work and I have a sincere desire to help new librarians become involved and active in ALA. Although I am a very collaborative person, I also enjoy leadership, and the opportunity to help lead and guide the NMRT is exciting! Despite being the sole nominee for this position, I sincerely want your vote and hope to prove I will be a good representative of NMRT to the larger ALA organization and members.

Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?

My primary experience with ALA service has been through the NMRT. One of my first committee assignments was the Communications Committee, which is charged with soliciting and producing content for the NMRT Blog. The next year, I was appointed Chair of that committee, and enjoyed collaborating with other NMRT Committee Chairs to create new content. I was asked to run for Secretary last year, and agreed since it seemed a natural fit and progression from the Communications Committee. I went from helping solicit the content to being in charge of the social media posts of NMRT. I take this duty seriously, and do my best to show NMRT in a positive, welcoming light. This position also places me on the NMRT Executive Board. Attending these meetings, working with the VP/President/Past-President and others, and learning how NMRT is run has been immensely helpful and informative. All of this taken together has prepared me to help lead NMRT and continue to help new members in ALA feel welcome!

Question 3:

  • As Vice-President/President-Elect (more information) one of your responsibilities will be preparing for your Presidential term the following year. How will you work with the current President to advance her/his initiatives while planning for your own presidency?

Thankfully, I have had the opportunity to get to know both Nicole Spoor and Nicole LeMoreaux through our committee work in NMRT. They are both wonderful leaders and have been excellent mentors during my time in NMRT. I know I can work well with them, and believe Nicole L. will be an excellent President. We have already established a good working relationship, and I expect that to continue when I am Vice President. As Vice President, I would like to work with Nicole L. to determine her top initiatives, and then work within these initiatives to best serve the NMRT and achieve as much as possible during my term.

Question 4: What do you hope to learn if elected?

I’d like to learn more about ALA as a whole: how the round tables fit in to the ALA structure, do the round tables work together, etc. On top of that, new knowledge about how to run a round table or similarly large organization, how to stay connected with the rest of the Executive Board and how to stay on top of the initiatives. I know a surface-level amount about each committee in NMRT, and would like to know more about how their charges and how we can create collaborations to effect greater change. Essentially, I believe I will learn a lot about time management, networking, and leadership.

Question 5: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?

I am currently NMRT Secretary, and I do my very best to make sure that the social media and blog posts go up in a timely fashion. In order to not get overwhelmed, I schedule posts ahead of time in bulk, and put aside one morning a week dedicated entirely to Secretary work. When it comes to last-minute or emergency items, just like with any other part of my job, I find it important to take a step back and see what must be taken care of, what can wait until I have more time to dedicate to it, and what can be delegated to someone to handle. Although I imagine Vice-President duties are more intensive, I would continue my habit of scheduling purposeful blocks of time to handle what comes my way. I have always considered service a priority in my work life, and have dedicated time accordingly.

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NMRT 2019-2020 Candidates : Secretary

ALA elections are here and this year NMRT is electing a Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Leadership Development Director. Below, our candidates for Secretary answer a few questions about their plans for the position. More information on these positions can be found here.

NMRT Candidate Q & A – Abigail Phillips 

Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?

I have been a member of New Members Round Table since I joined ALA. This round table provided me with one of my first opportunities for committee work as a new ALA member. My previous work on NMRT committees had encouraged me to take a larger leadership role within the round table by running for the Secretary position. In part I am interested in this position, because I would like to give back to NMRT what it has provided me in professional and collegial support. Serving in this position would allow me to delve more into the work of NMRT and the larger work of round tables within ALA.

Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?

I currently serve as Secretary/Treasurer for Library Research Round Table (LRRT). In this position I have learned a great deal about the roles and responsibilities of being a Secretary, particularly by becoming more of a voice on the executive committee. Before being elected to this position, I served as LRRT’S Member-at-Large. This early role introduced me to how an executive committee for a round table functions and the work involved to complete the important tasks and duties of different committee. From 2015-2016, I served as the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Board Fellow which allowed me a year’s worth of opportunities to understand board work and all its intricacies and challenges. Currently, I am the YALSA’s Division Councilor, a role in which I both represent YALSA on ALA Council and participate as a YALSA board member.

Aside from ALA, service-wise, I am involved in the Youth Services Special Interest Group (SIG) in the Association of Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), the Treasurer for the Information Policy and Ethics SIG of the American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), and, more recently, on the MLIS Program and Curriculum Committee in the School of Information Studies at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. All of these experiences have helped me grow as an individual, a critical thinker, and as a leader. I’ve become skilled at approaching a problem, situation, and discussion with a thoughtful and forward-thinking approach.

Question 3: As Secretary (more information) your responsibilities include coordinating NMRT social networking presence on the appropriate tools. What do you feel is the best method to get information to the NMRT membership, and why? What is your plan for coordinating NMRT’s social networking presence?

I teach (and have taught) a Social Media Management course for Library Juice Academy over the past three years. This course is geared towards information professionals seeking to improve the social media presence of their library, museum, archive, etc. Additionally, I have taught as an adjunct instructor at Florida State University for a similar but lengthier course on social media management that dug deeply into different approaches to social media engagement and content development. When I worked as a public librarian, I managed the Twitter and Facebook accounts for our library system. I have experience with social media management both as a professional librarian and as an LIS instructor.

When thinking about a social media plan for NMRT, I would suggest boosting the current Twitter presence by going a bit beyond what is already being offered. Member highlights and blog posts are wonderful but a consistent and highly targeted style would help increase engagement and connect strongly with members. I’ve always used (as public librarian and academic) and encourage the use of a social media calendar. With posts planned and already created, it helps create that cohesive message that will greatly benefit NMRT by building membership, sharing goals, and news. However, there is always flexibility with a social media calendar depending on current events, unexpected announcements, etc. Social media requires a close eye which I am confident that NMRT and I can maintain.

Question 4: What do you hope to learn if elected?

I hope to continue to grow as a leader, finding new and innovative approaches to helping and mentoring young MLIS students, librarians, library workers, and my colleagues. My previous work on committees and boards have been a wonderful way for me to become more confident in sharing my thoughts, opinions, and concerns. By being elected to the Secretary position, I will learn even more.

Question 5: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?

Graduate school and my current professional position taught me quite a bit about time management. As part of my job as faculty, service within the profession is one component. I have found balancing research, teaching, and service challenging, but I have developed a system where I can divide my time to each of these duties. I have become adept at seeking out new ways to ensure that I can maintain my commitments and the service that I enjoy.

NMRT Secretary Candidate Q & A – Rachael Clukey

Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?

I love being involved in ALA and especially with NMRT. I think I am now ready to step up to a leadership position in the roundtable and have more responsibility. Being secretary actually sounds fun to me!

Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?

I was my Student Government Secretary at my college several years ago. Also, I have been on various committees through ALA and Ohio Library Council and am a Librarian member of the Exhibits Roundtable board.

Question 3: As Secretary (more information) your responsibilities include coordinating NMRT social networking presence on the appropriate tools. What do you feel is the best method to get information to the NMRT membership, and why? What is your plan for coordinating NMRT’s social networking presence?

As far as getting information to the NMRT membership, I think that e-mail, blog posts and Facebook are all excellent. The listserv through e-mail is my top choice, however, since so many ALA NMRT members check their e-mail many times throughout the day. Less people probably read the blog and Facebook posts but I still think that they are both important. I would definitely prioritize the NMRT member of the week posts for the blog and Facebook. Also, I would plan to increase our presence on Twitter and possibly Instagram, as well.

Question 4: What do you hope to learn if elected?

If elected, I hope to learn a lot actually. I hope and plan to learn more about the ALA organization as a whole and more about NMRT. I also hope to learn more about all of the committees on NMRT.

Question 5: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?

I am very self motivated, focused and prioritize my tasks. I also have great decision making skills. I use a paper/printed planner and also Google calendars.


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