ALA NMRT 2024 Interactive Map

ALA Annual is almost here! Please check out the interactive map that the Local Arrangements Committee put together for the conference in San Diego. Hope to see you at Annual!

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NMRT Events at ALA Annual in San Diego

Attending the ALA Annual Conference in San Diego on June 27-July 2 2024? New Members Round Table will be at the conference, hosting conference sessions and events throughout the weekend. To narrow down your schedule, here’s a complete listing of all of the NMRT events. You can find out more details using the ALA Conference Scheduler and selecting “NMRT” as the Sponsoring Unit.

Friday June 28 2024

Beyond the Books: Decoding the Application and Interview Process for Public, Academic, and Special Libraries

9:00am-12:00pm, San Diego Convention Center, Room 29, A B C


In Beyond the Books: Decoding the Application and Interview Process for Public, Academic, and Special Libraries, 4 experts from various library sectors will present on best practices to navigate through the job search journey in their sector, with time for Q&A after each presentation. The last segment of the preconference will break into small groups for interview practice and coaching from representatives of each library type. Whether you are a LIS student, early career library professional, or someone wanting to make a switch in your career, you will step away from this preconference with insight and resources to pursue your goal of landing a library position.

NMRT Conference Orientation

1:30-3:00pm, San Diego Convention Center, Room 29, A B C

New to ALA or the Annual Conference? Join the New Members Round Table (NMRT) for an introduction to the conference, ALA, and San Diego. Learn about the exhibit hall, network with peers, find out how to get involved in ALA and NMRT. A panel of experienced conference attendees, locals, and leaders within ALA will provide tips and tricks and answer your questions about the conference, ALA, and San Diego.

Saturday June 29 2024

NMRT President’s Program: Protecting the Right to Read in Challenging Times

1:00-2:00pm, San Diego Convention Center, Room 4

How do you defend a book or a collection subject to removal when facing this challenging situation for the first time? How can you approach your first patron complaint about a children’s book being inappropriate for its current placement? This session will have a presentation and panel discussion featuring representatives of the Office of Intellectual Freedom, the Intellectual Freedom Round Table, and a community member who chose to fight back against book censorship. After this session, you will leave with actionable steps you can take to address intellectual freedom and book ban threats, and resources to support yourself.

Sunday June 30 2024

NMRT Executive Board

8:30-10:00am, San Diego Convention Center, Room 14 A

The New Members Round Table (NMRT) will host its annual conference meeting of the Executive Board. This meeting is open to everyone.

NMRT Annual Social

5:00-7:00pm, Marriott Marquis, Grand Ballroom, Section 1

New Members Round Table (NMRT) and the Sustain Round Table (SustainRT) are co-hosting the annual social. Come enjoy some refreshments while NMRT recognizes recipients of the NMRT Professional Development Grant, the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award, the Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award, and the Student Chapter of the Year Award, and SustainRT recognizes recipients of the Citation for Wellness in the Workplace Award and the New Voices in Sustainability Award! Join your colleagues to network, socialize, and celebrate this year’s winners in a relaxed and fun environment. After, join GameRT, RUSA, & NMRT for the Annual Trivia Championship!

ALA Trivia Championship

7:00-9:00pm, Marriott Marquis, Grand Ballroom, Section 5


It’s well-known that librarians are the best at trivia. but who is the best of the best? Join us at this national championship cosponsored by GameRt, RUSA, and NMRT and compete for the title of “Reference Champions of America” in this team-based trivia event.

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Conference Dos and Don’ts for a First-Time Attendee

By Margaret Bates, Research and Instruction Librarian, University of Alabama Libraries

Conference season is upon us with ALA Annual taking place in San Diego from June 27-July 2. Conferences can be intimidating for first time attendees, especially large conferences like ALA. Here are some Dos and Don’ts, and some tips, for first (or second!) time attendees.

DO: Check the program ahead of time

Find breakout sessions that sound interesting to you or your institution and note when meals and breaks are scheduled.

DON’T: Disregard locations 

In bigger conferences like ALA, different sessions and speakers may be scheduled across the conference center. Take note of the locations of sessions you want to attend and try to get strategic about planning to attend events near each other.

DO: Attend the conference orientation

These orientations are usually optional events on the first day of the conference. These orientations are a great way to meet other first-time attendees. They also can help you understand the conference program, the layout, and they may have more useful tips and tricks than what you found here.

DON’T: Be a wallflower

Networking can feel tedious and intimidating, but remember that everyone who attends a conference is there to learn new things and meet people! Usually there will be Meet & Greets and mixers scheduled throughout the conference. Try and attend at least a few. These are also where those first-time orientations can come in handy, as you might find people you have already met, who can introduce you to more people.

DO: Be engaged

You get out of a conference what you put into it, make sure to bring a notebook or laptop or tablet to take notes. If you are an audio learner ask the moderator or presenter if you can record the session for personal use.

DON’T: Ignore your limits

Conferences can feel like a marathon. Although they can be super exciting for first timers, make sure you also take time to rest and absorb what you’ve learned. Make sure you are eating and sleeping enough and bring comfortable shoes to change into if you are attending a large conference (like ALA).

DO: Take home what you learned

Not every session you attended may be perfectly applicable to your institution, but think of the broader concepts and ideas and brainstorm how you can take something you learned at the conference and develop or improve something for your users.

DON’T: Be a stranger

 One of the best parts of conferences is meeting people in your profession from all over the country. If you make a connection during a conference, keep in contact! These people may be great resources for co-authors, co-presenters, or external reviewers. Or they may have great ideas to help you get something started or improved at your institution.

DO: Consider starting ALA Annual off strong by attending our preconference

New Members Round Table will be hosting a preconference focusing on the job application and interview process for public, academic, and special libraries on Friday June 28, 9a-12p. NMRT members and student members can register for a discounted rate. For more information about the session, please see below.

You can register for the preconference session and ALA Annual by visiting Hope to see you there!

Image preview

REMEMBER: NMRT will be present at ALA to help you navigate your first time. Take advantage of this resource to make sure you get the most out of your conference attendance!

What other questions/advice do you have for first-time conference attendees?  

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2024 Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award Winners

Congratulations to our two winners of the Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award!

Theresa Bruce

Certified Library Media Specialist at KIPP Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland

Sandy Yang

Library/Archives Specialist IV at RAND Archives and a Library Science student at the University of Alabama

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2024 Student Chapter of the Year Award Winner

Congratulations to our 2024 Student Chapter of the Year Award Winner: San Jose State University i-School (SJSU)! The chair of this chapter is Briana Morales.

The school offers students who take the required course INFO 200 a one-year membership to a professional organization. They measure activity by new ALA membership, event attendance, and social media interactions.

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NMRT Student Chapter of the Year Award 2024

On behalf of NMRT, the Student Chapter of the Year Award (SCTOYA) Committee would like to congratulate this year’s winner, the San Jose State University (SJSU) iSchool. The committee was especially impressed with the iSchool’s support of students’ professional development endeavors. You can read more about SJSU’s ALA Student Chapter (ALASC) here.

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NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Recipient

Congratulations to our NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award recipient!

Rachel Games is the Library Media Specialist at Yukon High School in Yukon, Oklahoma.

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NMRT Preconference at ALA Annual 

New Members Round Table will be hosting a preconference focusing on job searching for public, academic, and special libraries. NMRT members and student members can register for a discounted rate. For more information about the session, please see below.

You can register for the preconference session and ALA Annual by visiting Hope to see you there!

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NMRT Professional Development Grant Award Winner Announcement

Congratulations to our winner: Samantha Archibald Mora!

Samantha is a teacher librarian at Wood River Middle School Library in Hailey, Idaho.

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Trivia Championship at ALA Annual

Calling all trivia buffs! Did you know that the Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) hosts a trivia contest at ALA Annual, and that NMRT is a co-sponsor? Better yet, if you can’t wait until June to start showing off your smarts, RUSA is providing weekly trivia challenges with the opportunity to win a free RUSA webinar! 

Read on to learn more. 

ALA Annual Trivia Championship 

This year’s trivia championship will take place on Sunday, June 30, 2024, from 7-9 pm, and, at $10, it’s the least expensive ticketed event at the conference. Space is limited, but never fear—if the opportunity to pay $10 is available, then yes, there is space to participate. 

The event is welcoming, fun, and informal. Consider giving yourself a stress-free break during the week, learn something new, and discover more about RUSA through this event. 

RUSA Weekly Trivia 

Once a week leading up to ALA Annual, the RUSA Member Engagement Committee will email out trivia challenges. Participants in these challenges have the opportunity to win a FREE RUSA webinar (up to $50 value)! You could be one of three winners in the June 2024 drawing; winners will be selected randomly. You do not have to guess correctly to be eligible to win, nor do you have to attend ALA Annual in San Diego to be eligible to win. Just play and have fun! 

You do not have to be a RUSA member to play, but NMRT members involved in reference or user services are strongly encouraged to consider joining RUSA!  

Here are the weekly trivia challenges that are currently available:

If you have any questions about the Trivia Championship at ALA Annual or the weekly challenges, please contact the co-chairs of the RUSA Member Engagement Committee, Paul Chasen ( and Cynthia Johnson ( 

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