Meet the 2019-2020 NMRT President!

My name is Nicole LaMoreaux and I am the 2019-2020 President of the New Members Round Table. I am the Assistant Director of Research and Instructional Services at The New School in New York, NY. I am proud to announce that we have over 1,500 members representing every aspect of librarianship, from nearly every state and even some foreign countries. We are a round table for those who have been members of ALA for fewer than ten years and are looking to augment their involvement in ALA. In addition to providing you with the means to develop as a new professional through committee work, conference programs, and other year-round services, NMRT provides numerous venues for you to make connections with colleagues, learn from mentors, and even form lifelong friendships.

NMRT can help jump-start your library career like few other groups can. As my presidential theme “Building Future Leaders of Tomorrow” implies, NMRT seeks to welcome you and help you find your niche in ALA. We hope to see you online and in-person at one of our many events this year. In the meantime, should you have any questions about what we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

Nicole LaMoreaux, 2019-2020 NMRT President
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NMRT Board 2019-2020 Nominations

Are you interested in becoming more involved in New Members Round Table?  We are currently recruiting candidates for the 2020 NMRT Board.

NMRT offers training, opportunities, and a wide variety of programs on the national, state and local levels to assist, encourage, and educate those new to the association and the profession.

Now is the opportunity for you to take a leadership role in that mission!

The NMRT Board is seeking nominations for the six open positions: 

  • Secretary (1 year)
  • Vice-President/President-Elect (3 year)
  • Assistant Treasurer (2 year)
  • Networking Director (2 year)
  • Outreach Director (2 year)
  • Member Services Director (1 year)

The terms-of-office, attendance obligations, and responsibilities vary between the positions. Read more about the officer positions that will be available for 2020 here: 

If you are indeed interested in serving and if one of these positions feels like a good fit for you, please email Nicole Spoor, NMRT Past President ( or Nicole LaMoreaux, NMRT President ( by September 20, 2019. If you have questions about these positions, please feel free to email us.

Thank you for your involvement with NMRT!

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NMRT President’s Program at ALA Annual

Sunday, June 23 from 1:00-2:30pm in the Washington Convention Center, 159A-B.

The NMRT President’s Program: Building Tomorrow Together will focus on exploring unique mentorship programs. If you’ve ever been curious about formal mentorships or are looking for ways to innovate your library’s mentorship program, this is your opportunity to learn more!

Panelists will be speaking about the LLAMA Mentoring Committee, the Public Library Association’s mentoring programs, as well as discussing research on mentoring. Kaitlyn Hodges from ALA’s Emerging Leaders Program will also be in attendance to discuss the NMRT Emerging Leaders team project, a Mentoring Clearinghouse.

Ashley J. Brown has been a librarian at the Auburn Public Library since 2005 and is the current Engagement and Outreach Librarian.  In 2017, Ashley was selected as a Public Library Association Leadership Academy Fellow and served as a mentor of the Inclusive Internship Initiative.

Mandi Goodsett is the Performing Arts and Humanities Librarian at Cleveland State University.  She is the co-author of “Building a Strong Foundation: Mentoring Programs for Novice Tenure-Track Librarians in Academic Libraries, ” published inCollege and Research Libraries and the New Members Round Table Past-President.

Richard Guajardo is Head of Resource Discovery Systems at the University of Houston.  He is currently the Chair of the LLAMA Mentoring Committee and is the incoming co-chair of the ALCTS Program Committee.

The NMRT President’s Program is an annual event open to all registered conference attendees.

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NMRT Needs Your Opinion!

The NMRT Online Program Committee is surveying to solicit information from NMRT/ALA members on future potential online programming, webinar promotion, and gain perspective on how users interact with webinar materials. We hope that with the constructive feedback and responses NMRT/ALA members provide, it will help guide future committee iterations develop programs that meet the informational needs of our members.

We strongly implore your participation, as it will be invaluable in helping to shape the direction and material produced by the Online Program Committee.

On behalf of the Online Program Committee, we thank you for your consideration and look forward to your responses.

NMRT Online Program Planning Survey

Best Regards,

NMRT Online Program Committee

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NMRT Annual Conference Field Trip

You’re invited!

Are you new to ALA? Meet new people and socialize in a fun and different environment by attending the NMRT Field Trip, hosted by the NMRT Annual Conference Local Information Committee. We will meet for brunch on Sunday, June 23 at 10 am at The Smith (901 F St NW) followed by a tour of the National Portrait Gallery at 11:30 am (8th & F Streets NW).

When: Sunday, June 23 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: The Smith, 901 F St NW

Add this event to your ALA schedule here!

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May 2019 NMRT Online Discussion

The topic for May’s Online Discussion focused around Services to Special Populations. It is important to think not only of the customers we see every day but those we may not see due to barriers, which may be unknown to us, that prevent customers from benefiting from our services.

A few such populations brought up in the course of the discussion were international students in university and college settings, migrant workers, and people returning from incarceration, though there are many other populations that could be identified depending on your service area.

As far as special programming, outreach, or other activities to support these identified populations and connect them with library services, it was noted that at the college or university as a whole there may be extra support offered for international students, even if it is not offered directly through the library. Well stocked collections in languages other than English was one other point, though something else to keep in mind is the literacy level of individuals in their primary language. Another suggested program was transforming a meeting room into a play area for the children of area migrant workers. It was noted that the program numbers began dwindling and the program no longer exists. One potential reason for this is possible deportation of migrant workers. It is also possible that there is a fear of certain spaces, such as the library, where it is perceived immigration status may be questioned and reported.

No new ideas or innovations to reach special populations were discussed but many libraries are executing creative programs and initiatives to reach greater audiences so maybe we’ll get some ideas in the comments!

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Reminder: NMRT Volunteer Applications Due July 1!

New Members Round Table (NMRT) is looking for volunteers for committee chairs and members for the 2019-2020 year. Committees are the lifeline of NMRT. The list of these committees reflect the work of some of these committees and their dedicated members.

New Members Round Table 2019-2020 committee volunteer applications are now open! Fill out the committee volunteer form.

While applications will be accepted through July 1, 2019, please apply by May 30, 2019, for best consideration. Please contact Nicole LaMoreaux, NMRT Vice-President with any questions about committee appointments.

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NMRT Orientation & Exhibit Hall Tour @ ALA Annual

Greetings from the NMRT Orientation Committee!

We have the privilege of planning and presenting orientation sessions that help people get their bearings to the New Members Round Table (NMRT), to ALA, the conference, the exhibits, and the host city.

Join us this year at ALA Annual on Friday, June 21 from 1:30 to 3:00pm in the Capitol Room of the Marriott Marquis Washington, D.C. for a fun time including a networking event to meet fellow librarians along with an amazing panel. Our panel guests include Alice Knapp from the Exhibits Round Table; Nicole Spoor, President of NMRT; Kimberly Redd, the NMRT ALA Liaison; and Kim Zablud, Director of Public Services for DC Public Library.

Also, join us for the NMRT Exhibit Hall Tour presented by the NMRT Orientation Committee and the Exhibits Round Table on Saturday, June 22 at 8:00am.  Learn some tips and tricks about how to navigate the Exhibit Hall and maximize your time to the fullest. Space is limited so make sure to sign up here.

We hope to see you in D.C.!ALA NMRT Orientation Flyer

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NMRT Resume Review Service at ALA Annual

The NMRT Resume Review Service Committee is recruiting volunteer resume reviewers and booth greeters as well as taking resume review appointments for the 2019 ALA Annual Conference!

Reviewers should have at least five years of experience working in libraries (participating in search committees is a plus). This is a free in-person service that will be located in the ALA Job Placement Center on Saturday, June 22nd & Sunday, June 23rd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM both days.

Visit our informational website for more details, to access volunteer forms, or to sign up for an appointment:


If you have any questions, please contact NMRT Resume Review Service Committee Chair Jillian Hayes at or Assistant Chair Rachael Clukey at  Thank you!

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