Institution/Location of Institution: Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida
Job Title: Currently: Visiting Access Services Librarian
Beginning July 2022: Assistant Professor, Access Services Librarian and Behavioral Sciences Liaison
Brief Job Description: As the Access Services Librarian, I oversee two full-time staff members, two part-time library assistants, and twenty student employees in circulation and ILL. In addition, I teach one-shot information literacy sessions, serve as liaison to our behavioral sciences collegium, and monitor our reference desk about 10 hours a week. As I move into my tenure-track position, I will add college service on committees, scholarship and publishing, and teaching in the Gen Ed program to my list of duties. I’m looking forward to the new experiences and challenges that come along with this position.
What are some things you like about your job or about working in libraries in general? The best part of my job is interacting with our student employees and our students in general. As a residential, undergraduate campus, we have the opportunity to interact with students on a daily basis. They contribute innovative ideas and fresh perspectives on library services.
What’s a project or committee you’re working on right now that you’re excited about?
I’m currently the NMRT Handbook Committee Chair and am working on moving the handbook from Google Drive to the NMRT website. It’s an extensive project, but it will make the handbook more accessible to the NMRT membership.
What got you interested in libraries?
The idea began when I was working on my Master of Liberal Arts degree. The program showed me how to think outside the box and understand the importance of learning, teaching, and researching from multiple perspectives. It also solidified my desire to be a lifelong learner. What better place to achieve that goal than in a library?
What is one of your favorite things about NMRT?
The opportunities to try different things. As an early career librarian, you may not know where your interests lie. NMRT allows you to serve on different committees and help develop skills you can build on as you grow as a librarian.
Do you have any advice for other new librarians? Be curious! Try different paths to help figure out what you want to focus on. Talk to other librarians; most are willing and giving of their time. Join local or regional groups to get to know other information professionals in your area. Attend free webinars and conferences related to your areas of interest. A note of caution: Don’t take on or volunteer for more than you can handle. Most opportunities are offered annually, so you don’t need to take on everything at once.