NMRT Members, are you planning to attend ALA this year, and are interested in attending a ticketed event? Then consider applying to the NMRT Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award to receive funding!
In the spirit of ALA’s New Members Round Table (NMRT), this award fosters active involvement in ALA through various special events at the Annual Conference. The Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award is presented to two NMRT members each year. The award provides professional development and networking opportunities to NMRT members by providing a ticket to attend the event of their choice. To view a full list of all ticketed events that will be offered at ALA 2022, please visit https://2022.alaannual.org/registration/ticketed-events
NMRT members can apply for this award here. Students and first-time ALA attendees are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications are due by Friday, April 29th.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the committee chair, Jennifer Embree, at jembree@binghamton.edu.