ALA elections are approaching and this year NMRT is electing a Leadership Development Director, Vice-President/President-Elect, Member Services Director, and Secretary. Below, our candidates answer a few questions about their plans for the position.
Why are you interested in this position?
Karen Doster: I would like to become more involved in ALA from a leadership perspective. I have found the NMRT to be a very engaging committee of ALA, and believe my involvement would give me the opportunity to provide influential to support to new individuals to our profession.
What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?
Karen Doster: I served as secretary for the FSU ALA student chapter.
As Secretary your responsibilities include coordinating NMRT social networking presence on the appropriate tools. What do you feel is the best method to get information to the NMRT membership, and why? What is your plan for coordinating NMRT’s social networking presence?
Karen Doster: My first responsibility will be coordinating with the out-going secretary to make sure the existing social networking efforts continue. I think it would be beneficial to poll our members to assess which social networking sites they use the most. Facebook has become a staple, but maybe members prefer receiving news from the round table though Twitter. Based on member feedback I would focus the NMRT social networking presence through those selected channels, and use secondary ones as needed.
What do you hope to learn if elected?
Karen Doster: If elected, I hope to learn more about the structure and roles of executive boards for ALA committees. I also hope to learn more about our members to help identify how the round table can enrich their new careers as a librarian.
If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?
Karen Doster: I plan to work closely with my supervisor to make sure that I am available for every online meeting, will set aside specific time during the week to maintain the NMRT’s social networking presence, and establish deadlines for important reports and information required by the committee and round table members.
Do you have questions of your own for the candidates? Please post your question & the names of the candidate(s) you wish to answer on the NMRT Facebook page within the next week.