Job Title: Business Librarian
Institution: The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
NMRT Board Position/Title: NMRT Vice-President
What role does your Board Position serve in NMRT? The Vice-President’s main job is support the President. Some of the project’s that the Vice-President gets to work on during the year include helping to choose the NMRT Emerging Leader and matching up volunteers to their chosen committees.
How long have you been an NMRT member? I have been an NMRT member for about eight years.
What’s your favorite thing about NMRT? I really like the people that I have been able to meet and work with. I love that NMRT is home to library professionals who may be new to the American Library Association, but have really innovative ideas and diverse experiences that help make this profession even better.
What advice would you give to someone just joining NMRT this year? GET INVOLVED! Your NMRT membership come with some great perks, but much of its value is only realized when you choose to get involved. Join a committee, participate in a monthly online discussion forum, attend a webinar, or volunteer at one of the conferences. It doesn’t really matter how you become involved, but it will benefit you so much to do so.
Meet Your NMRT Board Member is a 2016-2017 series to help NMRT members get to know their board. If you have any questions about this series, please contact the NMRT Communications Committee Chair, Jennifer Wilhelm (