Looking for funds to help pay for your trip to ALA’s 2018 Annual Conference? Apply for the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award

Are you looking for funds to help pay for your trip to ALA’s 2018 Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA? Apply for the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award by December 14, 2017!

The award, which is intended to help defray costs to attend the ALA Annual Conference, will be presented in the form of a check for $1,000 during the 2018 Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.  The winner will be chosen in January before the ALA Midwinter Meeting. All applicants will be notified in March.

Applicants must:

  1.  Be a member of ALA and NMRT
  2.  Be active in the library profession
  3.  Show promise for activity in the area of professional development
  4.  Have a valid financial need
  5.  Have attended no more than five ALA annual conferences


To apply, please visit: http://www.ala.org/nmrt/initiatives/applyforfunds/shirleyolofson.

Please e-mail Alexandra Janvey (alexandra.janvey@gmail.com) if you have any additional questions.


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