By Margaret Bates, Research and Instructional Services Librarian, University of Alabama Libraries
Hi everyone,
Welcome back into the swing of things, and welcome new and returning members of the NMRT! Here is a quick overview of ways the NMRT can support you, and ways for you to get involved if you haven’t yet.
Resume Review Service: Does your resume need sprucing up? The Resume Review Service has volunteer librarians from all types of libraries and specialties to help you improve your resume. The Resume Review Service is available year-round to New Member Round Table members. Simply send your resume or cover letter as an attachment to or fill out the form here. If you are sending an email, please make sure to include the following information in the body of your email:
E-mail address:
Library Type (i.e. – Academic, Public, School, Archives, Special, etc):
Area of Specialization (i.e. – reference, cataloging, archives, children’s, unknown):
Are you a member of NMRT? (Y/N)
Are you a member of ALA? (Y/N)
The reviewers will return your resume within a month with comments and suggestions.
The Resume Review Service is also available onsite for anyone attending ALA’s Annual conference.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Resume Review Service, you can email the NMRT Resume Review Service Co-chairs at
NMRT Mentoring Program: The NMRT offers two different mentoring programs.
- Career mentoring is a year-round program to connect newer librarians with more experienced librarians for relationships focusing on career development.
- Conference mentoring is an ALA Annual-specific program that pairs first-time attendees with seasoned conference attendees to help them navigate the ALA Annual Conference.
If you are interested in being either a mentor or mentee, check out the guidelines here.
Get Involved and Volunteer: If you haven’t already, fill out the Committee Volunteer application form to get involved with the NMRT or other ALA committees. Volunteering is a great way to make connections and learn more about ALA. Information about the different NMRT Committee can be found here:
Join NMRT: Since you’re here, you’ve probably got this step covered. But if you have friends or colleagues that are interested in getting involved in the ALA and they have been in the field less than six years, send them our way! The NMRT is a great way to get started with ALA. You can find a list of reasons to join the NMRT, and how to join, here:
Read the Notes Blog: Stay current with NMRT goings on by checking the Notes blog. We will feature members, post ALA information, and include articles about career readiness, NMRT services, and general new librarian life!