Footnotes Call for Submissions: August 2012 Issue

The NMRT Footnotes Committee is seeking articles and reviews for the August 2012 issue.

Headed to Anaheim for the ALA Annual Conference?
We especially need members to write articles about their experience at Annual, as well as recaps of NMRT events. Find the NMRT schedule here: You can see examples of such pieces in previous August issues.

Feature Articles
We are always looking for feature articles. If you want to share a project, aspect of your job or interest, we want your article! Footnotes is a great opportunity to get your feet wet with professional writing. Give it a try!

Book and Website Reviews
Recently read a book that would appeal to other new librarians and want to share your thoughts? Have a favorite website or set of web resources for a particular topic? Consider writing a book or website review!

Please email me at hmsteiner @ if you are interested in writing an article, book review, Web site review, or a piece on the Annual Conference. If you plan to write a recap article of an NMRT event at Annual, please let me know which one in your message. Ideas by next Wednesday, June 19th would be much appreciated.

All articles and reviews will be due by July 13, 2012.

View previous issues of NMRT Footnotes, the official newsletter of the New Members Round Table, here:

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