Our candidate for Networking Director:
- TJ Szafranksi
Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?
TJ Szafranksi: NMRT has helped me meet some awesome people and experience some awesome things. I think it’s a great round table for librarians wanting to get started in ALA. As networking director, I’m able to pitch in and make sure NMRT continues being a valuable resource for its members.
Question 2: What skills and experiences do you bring to the position?
TJ Szafranksi:Skills: Frequent email checker, constant deadline meeter, positive energy provider
Experience: Chair of the 2015 Midwinter Social committee (the best NMRT Midwinter Social to date)
Question 3: As Networking Director (more information), you will oversee NMRT committees associated with conference attendance. In what ways would you like to see NMRT reach out to those members not able to attend MW or Annual conferences?
TJ Szafranksi: If my email inbox is any indication, I think NMRT is doing a great job reaching out to members.
Question 4: What do you hope to learn if elected?
TJ Szafranksi: The names of everyone who didn’t vote for me so I can haunt them in the afterlife. Also, I wouldn’t mind learning some project management skills.
Question 5: If elected, what time management skills will you employ to ensure that your NMRT duties remain a priority?
TJ Szafranksi: I keep a very detailed Google Calendar synced to all my devices. My NMRT duties would be put in there along with everything else. If Google Drive ever breaks, I would be completely lost.