Susan Jennings, NMRT’s former councilor, has finished her write-up for Council actions at the 2015 ALA Midwinter meeting. Please see her blog here for an update on what’s happening for ALA in the coming year.
While Susan has been an excellent councilor for NMRT, she will no longer be able to perform this function for us. Fortunately, we have a wonderful interim councilor through June 30, 2016, Margaret Howard, who is very excited to work with us! Below is a little about Margaret in her own words.
“I am Margaret Howard, your new NMRT Councilor. I am an Assistant Branch Manager at Chesterfield County Public Library, a nine-branch system located in the suburbs of Richmond, VA. I was a member of the 2013 ALA Emerging Leaders class and was sponsored by NMRT. I chaired the NMRT Vice-Presidential Planning Committee 2013-2014 during Megan Hodge’s tenure as Vice President, and I currently serve as Co-Chair of the NMRT Mentoring Committee. I was a member of the NMRT mentoring committee 2013-2014, served as a NMRT Liaison 2012-2013, and the LLAMA Continuing Education Committee 2013-2015. In addition to my participation in ALA I am an active member of the Virginia Library Association (VLA) and currently serve as VLA NMRT Chair. I served as VLA NMRT Chair-Elect 2013-2014 and as VLA Secretary/Treasurer 2012-2013. I have been on the Library Quarterly Review Board since 2014.
My plan for keeping NMRT members up to date on council is through a blog and notifying members of new posts through NMRT-L and coordinating with NMRT Secretary on NMRT social media outlets. In addition to thorough blog posts I would also include a “tl;dr” highlighted version of council happenings.”
Thanks Margaret for stepping up to the plate for NMRT and keeping us so well informed!