Call for Articles & Reviews for February 2012 Issue of Footnotes

Like what you saw in the latest issue of NMRT Footnotes, the official newsletter of the New Members Round Table?  Submit something of your own for the next issue!

The NMRT Footnotes Committee is seeking articles and reviews for the February 2012 issue.  Please email Rekesha Spellman (rjspellman @ if you are interested in writing an article, book review, or Web site review.  Articles and reviews will be due by January 16, 2012.
Are you attending the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Dallas, TX?  Please think about writing an article about your experiences for the February 2012 issue of Footnotes.  If you are are interested in writing an article, please contact Rekesha (rjspellman @  Midwinter articles will be due by February 1, 2012.Thanks,
Rekesha Spellman,
Footnotes Committee Chair, 2011-2012
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