By Marina Brint, University of Western Ontario
Hi everyone,
Whether you’re a brand new MLIS student or a fresh librarian to the field, with NMRT there’s a resource for you. Here’s a few helpful resources from NMRT and ALA that you can use to become familiar with the field, learn more, or connect with others in the community:
Resource Guides: Need some answers, advice, or guidance on certain topics like copyright for libraries? Or library policy development? Take a look at ALA’s Resource Guides which cover a wide variety of topics and issues here.
Scholarships: If you’re a new or prospective MLIS student starting their journey in the program and are looking for funding support check out these opportunities at ALA’s Scholarship Program here, these scholarships combined offer over $300,000 annually to help students in their pursuit for librarianship. The scholarship portal is currently open and closes March 1st.
NMRT Specific Scholarships and Grants: The NMRT offers several funding opportunities to support members of the NMRT such as the:
Shirley Olofson Memorial Award to help defray costs of attending the ALA conference.
Student Chapter of the Year Award to help defray costs of attending the ALA conference events and promote student engagement.
Professional Development Grant (previously sponsored by Mango Languages) to encourage professional development and participation in ALA events.
Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award to foster active involvement in the ALA through special ticketed events by providing a ticket to an event of their choice.
Information for these opportunities can be found here!
Job Seeking: If you’re in your final term of your MLIS program, a fresh graduate, or a new librarian, job seeking resources can be found under the Education and Careers section on the ALA’s website located here.
In this section you’ll find various resources, such as information regarding professional development opportunities, information on salaries, support with foreign credential accreditation, and links to job posting sites.
Some prominent job posting sites for those in the librarian profession are:
JobLIST: A great source for jobs in the Library and Information field in the U.S.
SAA: Find your next career through the Society of American Archivists.
ThePartnership: Canada’s National network for job postings across the provinces.
ACA: The Canadian Association of Archivists for archival focused job postings.
LinkedIn: Access knowledge and job opportunities.