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A G E N D A |
I. Call to Order (5 minutes)
II. Announcements (5 minutes)
III. Approval of Minutes, Maureen Barry (10 minutes)
a. Midwinter Meeting, January 2009
b. Eboard Meeting, April 2009
c. Eboard Meeting, May 2009
IV. Updates from ALA
a. Terri Kirk, ALA Executive Board Liaison (10 minutes)
b. John Chrastka, ALA Membership Development (10 minutes)
V. Old Business
a. Report on ALA Connect’s Career Connections from Laura Kortz (10 minutes)
b. Report on Emerging Leader Sponsorship from Linda Crook (10 minutes)
VI. New Business
a. 2009-2010 budget, Amy Ferguson (10 minutes)
b. Proposal to revise Liaison Coordination & Support Committee’s charge, Courtney Young (15 minutes)
VII. Thank you to outgoing Board members and welcome to new ones (5 minutes)
VIII. Adjournment