Three library professionals —Natalie Traylor Clewell, West Georgia Technical College, Jessica Nadine Hernandez, U.S. FDA Biosciences Library and Julie N. Kane, Sweet Briar College Library in Virginia — have been named to receive the 2011 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant at ALA Annual Conference to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The grant, sponsored by 3M Library Systems for 40 years, is awarded to librarians who have been working in the field for less than 10 years. The 3M/NMRT grant sponsors each recipient’s trip to the ALA Annual Conference by providing transportation, hotel accommodations, conference registration fees and daily expenses.
All national NMRT members are eligible to apply for the grant; the NMRT selection committee chooses the winners based on academic achievement, previous work experience, honors earned, library association activities and financial need.
Congratulations to the winners!