2012 NMRT President’s Program and Membership Meeting

Networking: What Works?

Looking for new/dream jobs?
Pondering how to reach out to your network?
Trying to learn how job search networks operate?

Come and join us to discover what happens behind the closed doors of a library search committee – and how your professional (and personal) networks can make or break your prospects. Then learn how other librarians navigated the networking maze to land plum positions. With the insider scoop, practical pointers, and the opportunity to connect with new contacts, you’ll be able to put your network to work for you.

The president’s program will take place at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, California after a brief NMRT membership meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Time: Saturday, June 23, 2012
1:30 – 3:30 PM
Place: Anaheim Convention Center (Room MAR-Grand Salon A-C)

  • Courtney Young:  Head Librarian, Penn State Greater Allegheny and the ALA NMRT President 2009-2010. Courtney will discuss how networking can affect job and career prospects, using her experience as a hiring manager and a job seeker.  Her discussion will be followed by a Pecha Kucha style series of presentations by the following speakers:
  • Ashley Dupuy: Librarian and Coordinator of Undergraduate Library Instruction, Kennesaw State University
  • Naomi Doessel: Information Literacy Librarian, Griffith University
  • Megan Hodge: Assistant Branch Manager, Chesterfield County Public Library
  • Patrick Sweeney: Branch Manager, San Mateo County Library
  • Alison Coltin: Document Delivery Supervisor, University of Southern California

We look forward to seeing you there!
NMRT President’s Program Committee

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